Troubles with ECG-P2

Yagoona, no disrespect, but I'm not sure where you got that I tested the first strip off the PSU as I can't do that. I just did some cable managment and I'll try and take a organized picture of what everything looks like.

The last test I did was the 2nd and 3rd strip only. It received no data or ground from the controller and only received +V and - from the psu. I can't hook up the 2nd and 3rd strip due to the fact that it's a 3 prong containing data, +v, and ground while my controller only outputs ground and data.
I did test just my 2nd and 3rd strip to psu only (no P2 connection) and I let it sit for a good 4 mins
is what you said i said nothing about the first strip. pictures is really the only way you are going to get this sorted
Sorry, misunderstanding Yagoona. I read your comment as "how can you test the first strip off the psu".

I didn't test the strip off the psu, I tested the 2nd and 3rd strip off the controller.

Unfortunately, I have bad news. I replaced the 2 prong output on the P2 and did another test with the first strip and this time, the small puff of smoke was coming out of the terminal output of the P2. This could mean however that the plug on the alarm cable is faulty and the load is backing up at the terminal output of the P2. I know for a fact that the wiring on the P2 output is correct. Kinda hard to screw up wiring of a red and black cable when it says which output is what.

Here is the picture everyone's been requesting:

I kept the same numbers that were in the last 2 pics

The plug that is circled red was replaced in case it was wired wrong at China
The plug in yellow is the possible problem plug causing it to get super hot and the smoke to come out of the exit terminal of the P2
Without you testing the continuity of each wire to ensure that +V is in fact +V all the way through then you will just keep cooking things. You should always be testing with a volt metre and checking the continuity of the cables. So from your +V wire from the power supply test to see if you have a +V circuit all the way through all the strips and is infact +V at end of you circuit do the same for the ground, if it is not then you have a +V and ground mixed either by a dodgy cable or incorrect wiring. But you need a basic volt metre to test this and this is an important tool for the hobby because without a volt metre you are just assuming and guessing where the fault is. unfortunatly trying to save money doing DIY can sometimes be more trouble than its worth if your not familiar with basic electrical fault finding.
On the P2's 4-pin output connector, is the black wire in the left or right (looking into end of P2) terminal?

Even better, post a picture of the P2 output end with it all still connected.
The ground is in the far left output, marked G, and the red wire is in the 3rd output labeled D.

Eddy, it may seem like that right now DIY was not the way to go but like you said, you have to start small. I have a full year to get this to work and in the future we plan to add RGB floods and more RGB strips in our windows so I see this as the perfect opportunity to dive into the RGB world. I didn't expect anything easy.

I will find a volt metre and I will test the strips. My guess is that its a combination of incorrect wiring and faulty cables. You guys have definitely helped narrow down the possibilities for me.

Here's your picture David:
You must have a ground and a +12 wire issue somewhere as that's the only way that connector pin would melt.

It could be either a wiring error / short hidden inside the heatshrink, or a one of the moulded connectors is miswired internally.
i always make sure that no wire is exposed also so that they can never touch each other. so if it was me i would give your wires a trim that are going into the p2
David that's what I was thinking. But where on earth is it getting +12v if that terminal output is only ground and data?

Yagoona, I agree. I was going to before I finished up this project but it's probably safer to go ahead and do that now.
Again, I'd have to agree with you.
It just doesn't make sense though. I could see the 12v+ coming back through the ground with all the strips hooked up but this happens just with one strip.

I'm not sure if you can see it in the picture,, but that terminal is only ground and data and if you follow that cable, no conductors ever touch the 12v+ going into the first cable.

If I were to unplug #3 and only have the first strip plugged into the P2 receiving no power, would I be doing any harm? I'd like to test just the first strip and see what would happen if only the first pixel w/o any power was hooked up to the P2. Considering the first strip receives ground from the P2, I dont see any problem why I can't test the 1st strip and pixel controller but I'm just verifying with you.
I suggest opening up every shrunk connection and checking some more. That's all you can do when you don't have a multimeter.
I'm actually going to borrow a multimeter tomorrow so I think I'll hold off on removing shrink wrap.