Tune-to controller for P10 panel

z_special said:
David just wondering with the frequency displayed will it show lets say 107.1 and 107.2 in other words odd and even frequencies for the different countries???

It's adjustable in 0.1 increments.
I showed the tune-to sign at the QLD mini and everyone seemed to like it. :)

It's looking like the cost will be $27.50 for the (fully built & programmed) board and an extra $2.00 for a ribbon cable to suit 2 panels.

If you're only driving one panel you can use the ribbon that comes with it. The panels usually come with the 5V power wiring.

So, if you definitely want a board, let me know so I can work out how many bare boards to order.
Wolfie said:
I would like to request a possible config option though...text color. Please.

Red and green won't look so hot hanging out in the middle of a Halloween display. Or 4th of July. Or whatever other holiday that makes me hang lights next year ;) If you get my drift.

I could offer a version that had orange text I guess. I may be able to make that selectable by soldering a couple of pads together on the board or perhaps a jumper on the programming header.
Hi David,

I'll take one, would you prefer contact via this Forum or directly to you?

David, to get the tune to sign up and running all that is required is

your programmed pcb,
a P10 and
a power supply.

Is this correct or would I need to buy something else. I gather the P10 is 5V.
I've been updating the first post with a list of who wants what. Let me know if I missed you or have the item(s) wrong.
Hi David, could I please order 1x board?
Selecting text colour would be a handy feature if possible, so the board could be used all year round for other events.
Cheers, Graham
What's peoples thoughts about the text displayed?

Currently it's:

Someone has suggested simplifying / changing it to:

Comments ?