Tune-to controller for P10 panel

It was a couple of pages ago. Added to first post now.

It's looking like the cost will be $27.50 for the (fully built & programmed) board and an extra $2.00 for a ribbon cable to suit 2 panels.
Every time I see that someone else has posted to this saying "Put me down for 1" I keep thinking I should order one too. Don't know if I will ever use it but it could be super handy.

So here it is Put me down for 1 lol plus the extra ribbon cable for 2 panels. I am sure I will put it to use if not this year perhaps next year but this way I have it.

Cheers David_AVD
Dont know if I have ordered but please put me down for one with a extra ribbon
Hey Wolfie,

That site doesn't specify what the scan rate of the panel is. If you can ask the seller what the scan rate is and they can confirm it is 1/8th scan then they should be fine. If they are anything else then they won't work.
Todd confirmed they are 1/8 scan. Got a couple on the way.

Now I just need your nifty little board :)
I know this is really really late in the game here David, but I had a thought. I hope there is the possibility for this but no crisis if not.

Would it be possible, please, to have a signal input to your board that would enable the output to the panels? Say a 2 pin jumper header with a jumper. No jumper, no output on panels. Then I could wire up a 2p connector to go to a control circuit that could decide when the panels showed the message and when they were simply black.

Here is my thinking.
I have a bunch of these as I am sure many of us do:

So, I figured I could rip it out of the housing (its mostly air) to make it fairly compact and easy to sandwich between the panels. I was thinking I could tap one of the three outputs (R, B or G) and feed the enable pin I am asking for via a transistor or even just a resistor bridge. Then I could control the sign on/off via a single DMX channel.

Also a possibility is the single 2811 bare boards. Less desirable due to the pixel>pixel distance limits but still an option.

Again tapping just one of the colors. It would appear as just another pixel in a string and I could enable/disable the sign output via a pixel chain.

Thought this would be easier and lighter weight (component wise) than trying to switch the PSU on/off by controlling the AC or the DC out (much higher current). A low current control signal, I thought, would be a better option.


Or are you way ahead of me and already have an on/off signal?
David, hope its not too late...

Could I up my order to 3? One for a backup for me (in case I want 2 signs instead of one double sided) and the third in case anyone else around me wanted one. So thats a total of 3 boards with double panel ribbons.

One thing, and it's small, that I noticed in your videos. You have 2 rows of blank pixels at the bottom of the panel. There are none at the top. Would it be a major crisis to move the text down 1 pixel so its centered on the panel both horizontally and vertically? That would leave 1 pixel at top and one at bottom that are blank. I think it would look nicer when its put in an enclosure, no? I know its small and certainly not a show stopper.
The text vertical centering was fixed after I uploaded those videos.

No problem with updating your order.

I'll have a think about the enable input.