Ultra low WS2811 speed


New elf
Dec 30, 2013
Hi team,

Just wondering if this is anything I should be worried about - I have a few strings of icicles from Ray Wu running off a J1 ECG-P12R firmware 3.4b. I've read everywhere that the recommended speed is 3000-3600kbps, however I can only get my strings to work if I set the speed to 600-800kbps and in one case where I've extended the cable by a few metres I had to set the speed to 500kbps and use a null pixel. I have tried everywhere from 1800 - 3600kbps but the strings just go either an aqua blue or white and stay like that. On lower speeds the first few pixels will respond to colour changes... but they change to the wrong colours.

Everything is mostly working - here and there the string that I have extended will stop changing colours on a pixel level and the entire string will start changing colours in unison but that's usually fixed by power cycling the controller.

Cheers guys
Not a help but I had a similar issue with a J1sys ECG-P2 and newer pixels. I could only run them at 2400 and then they would intermittently do what yours did. I tried with a string of 50 and a string of 70 all 12v. I power injected and that seemed to fix it (but I was pretty over it by then and had an F16v3 arrive which I used). I did attempt to get a 105 node icicle string to work, even power injected every 35, but it wouldn't have a bar of it. Previous years it had coped with my 6 arches no problem so I was a little disappointed. It has gone to controller heaven now...
Thanks mate that actually does help, I was suspicious that the controller may have been on it's way out given that power cycling it would fix the issue for a short time. I was pretty shattered to read that the J1sys website now reads "We highly recommend the use of P12S controllers over the P12R controllers" so I feel like it might time for a new one. What controller are you using now?
Well, I have succumbed to the lure of the Falcon. I have tried the J1Sys ECG-P2, the Pixlite 16, Sans E682 and the Falcon F16v3s and F48. I am convinced the Falcon is the better product with a more active development roadmap than the others, No expert, but they so far have the best for functionality and reliability. You pay for what you get of course, but I suggest it well worth the $. My next year will be F16s and F48s only and it will look like the Griswolds on steroids ;-)
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.