Using LSP to run Australia's most iconic Christmas Tree


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
I thought I would share one of the exciting projects I have been involved with this year which was a lot of work and fun and an honour.
I am using LSP and the new scheduler on Australia's most iconic Christmas tree, the Sydney Martin Place Christmas tree to run the tree lighting and ornaments on the tree (except the ribbon)
I must say I was sweating bullets with the count down hoping nothing went wrong when I hit play on the scheduler as there were thousands and national media coverage and the whole shebang.
The LSP scheduler has ran flawlessly since the opening night. I wouldn't have taken this risk if I didn't have confidence in the development team and LSP and I believe they have delivered a rock solid scheduler worthy of running such an important high profile tree.

Hit the switch! Martin Place, Sydney, Christmas 2013

Martin Place Christmas tree lit up

Looks good Fast Eddy, fantastic effort as always. Do you know the details of the ribbon? It looks quite flexible, and might be a good thing for next years display.
I think the cost may be a bit out of our league, that is a pro grade 6000 NIT outdoor flexible ribbon matrix which would set you back 100K+ which is similar to that used with American idol and wresting. A very nice piece of technology which uses video overlay for control.
You have the ability to text a message to the ribbon where there is someone that must review all messages before going on the ribbon.
Yep, definetly out of my league for sure. I'll wait for the ray wu version.

I can only imagine how busy you have been with your own display, let alone taking on another project like this.
Yep, definetly out of my league for sure. I'll wait for the ray wu version.

I can only imagine how busy you have been with your own display, let alone taking on another project like this.

I don't really have a display this year except for a few minleon strings strung over my house and the neighbours house just using the controllers inbuilt effects. In the end after all the jobs were done I just don't have the energy and would rather have a year off so I don't have to be a slave to my display. I can actually go out and enjoy other displays and Christmas parties for once :D
Awesome Ed, I'm guessing plenty of power injection in that sucker. Did you build the lights or was it the sequencing. Do you get to keep the tree for your display next year.
Awesome work Eddy.
You need a tree like that in your yard.
Not sure about the ribbon though, maybe a bit overkill in front of your house. :D
Great effort Eddy, you should be proud of it. A pity about your own display but this will give you lots of time to plan next years.

I used to work in one of the buildings fronting Martin place I think westpac was on the ground floor, how tall is the tree ?

I think I would have been sweating more than bullets at countdown. But looks like it went brilliantly. Fantastic job.