VERY beginner, information for PSU for electrician

Thank you all for your advice! My mother got an electrician to convert a power cord for me, but then the eye terminals were too big. So I put my big girl undies on and just cut the wires and bought smaller eye terminals and hurrah! There was power (and no magic smoke). Thanks to @uncledan and @Mark_M for the encouragement in chat!

I also got some great info from Alan at Hanson's electronics and decided to just get a rPi-28D+ for our Raspberry Pi. Got that all delivered and put together, no worries.

The problem I have now is trying to understand how to connect the power supply and the rPi-28D+. There are two wires needed, but what kind of wires? Can I get them at Jaycar?

If you could help a newbie out, I'd be greatly appreciative! Thanks!!
Jaycar or Bunnings
1mm2 or .75mm2 cable
I could drop around one weekend as I am just down the road in Edmonton
Thank you @SAALTFAM and @welby! Thanks for the offer @SAALTFAM, but I really want to try and get something happening this weekend, so it's off to Bunnings with your recommendation :) I didn't even notice the 2A fuse for the 5V instructions, thank you @welby for bringing this to my attention!
@Samante anytime, I have relatives arriving Saturday. But if you still need a friendly helping hand next week, as it is easier to actually be there to explain how things work then by reading. We all learn differently and explain things differently. 🎄