Video explanation of cheap mains LED light sets

I've just recently discovered bigclive myself, some really interesting videos. One of his latest vids is pretty relevant for us here on acl as it talks about 2 wire christmas lights. Most of the video is about adding a memory chip to hold the function when the controller is powered down, but skip to around 8:40 and he talks about how alternating polarity works and he has an interesting take on why many manufacturers have changed from 3 wire to 2.
Very interesting.

I saw the first 2 wire string that I have seen here in the UK this year. The flicker was noticeable.

I found a reliable source of 3 wire strings that you over in Australia should also be able to get, connectable lights.

Many companies sell strings of lights which can be daisy chained to others, with a separate transformer and controller.
Because many of these started with 3 wires, they have to stick to it because otherwise their newer and older stuff would not be compatible.
They just change to a 2 wire connectable setup in 2015 and their new lights are incompatible with the old ones.