Waterproof box for J1SYS P12S board and 2 power supplies


Fan installed.
Just got them for Jaycar. Probably not the cheapest option in the world but didn't see the point in trying to source such a small number of things from overseas.
logandc99 said:
Just got them for Jaycar. Probably not the cheapest option in the world but didn't see the point in trying to source such a small number of things from overseas.

I originally was going to buy my fans from jaycar, but a fan and filter would cost more than the box did.

Does anyone else have cheaper places to get them?
Thinking out loud as I go. Would it be better to have one power supply in with the P12 Board and one in it's own case. Still only need two boxes. Does the heat from the PSU effect the board operation. One draw back is it opens up the board to the atmosphere. It's only an idea. Don't be afraid to say it's a bad one if it is

Edit: I just had another look and there is one in with the board. Could have sworn it wasn't there before. And just when I thought I had a useful idea too.
bundy I have a p12 in its own enclosure and psu in a separate enclosure. I have found that this way the psu don't overheat the p12.
Bundy, I have shown two different enclosures in the different pictures. One has a board ( it's not a p12s though, it's one of the light o Rama boards) with a PSU as that board only needs one PSU to run it. This first enclosure has just a vent right over the PSU's fan so it vents straight out. The other enclosure has two PSU units in it because they run one of my P12s boards which sits in its own enclosure. . Because this enclosure has two PSU units, I decided rather then have two vents over the top of each PSU's fan, I thought I'd have one vent but hook up a 12v fan to the vent to actively pull warm are out of the enclosure.
So you weren't seeing things, they were just pictures of two different enclosures setup slightly differently.
I've been following this thread because I knew I was going to have to try to do this myself for the one p12s I have running in 12V mode (those darn 12V pixels are power hungry!). Anyway, I will start the post off by saying in advance that I like, and use, the heavy duty metal cases. Don't ask me what I have against the CG type cases, I don't have anything against them, I just prefer the metal Wiegmann NEMA style cases. Yes, they cost in the neighborhood of $25-45 which is much more than the CG type cases, but it is what I have used on all of pixel controllers since switching from the Planet Christmas style LOR controllers.

Ok, so, I am going to attach a few pictures. Basically, the power supplies and the controller screw into a G10/FR4 rigid base that is fastened to the metal case. What was very interesting is that, the two power supplies (Ray Wu 350W) mounted on their sides and using the side mounting screws, have the same hole pattern as mounting one of those power supplies flat! That was a nice surprise.

Anyhoo, hope someone finds this helpful. I know most of y'all are Down Under, but I get the cases from this supplier:


Take care.



Home Depot 12"x12" box. Added a aluminum plate to mount PSU & Controller.


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You're welcome ;)

I've noticed the prices on the steel enclosures have gone up 10 - 15% since I last bought some.
Must the falling AUD :eek: