Weekly open session


Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
A couple of times during the past month I have dropped into the open Wednesday night (US time) zoom call during my lunch break. It has proved an interesting experience. On the call were all sorts of people and it was a great opportunity to ask and answer questions.

I was thinking something at a more friendly time in Oz/NZ would possibly be of interest so I reached out to Kevin who has access to the Zoom session they use and he has agreed to lend it to us on a regular basis if we want it. This should let us run sessions as long as we like ... rather than the usual 40mins and then switch.

The US sessions generally have no agenda (although they do sometimes line somone up to go over something). It is like being in chat but with video and sound. It works because lots of people chip in and ask questions.

If people are interested please post a response with a suggestion on which nights/times work for you. I was thinking 7:00pm (Sydney time) ... maybe on a Friday ... it would run as late as people wanted to be online.

I am really keen that this not just be about xLights ... this is an opportunity for all topics based on the audience interests.
Friday night sounds good. That'd be 9pm NZ time which would be fine by me.

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Sounds like a plan... but I wonder if a midweek slot might work better as it won't clash with the weekend? doesn't worry me as I work shift so I'm all over the place anyway...just a thought..

Sounds good. Would they be recorded or not, seeing as it appears to be open discussion?
Fing ... I could do Thursday or Friday. Whatever works for most people.

Alec ... we can talk about whatever takes peoples fancy. And whomever wants to do the answering can do so.

They would not generally be recorded ... to record I need to wake Kevin up get him to log in and hand hosting over to me. I will do it on the odd occasion but I dont want to wear out our welcome.
Is it possible to go through the setup for a matrix.

I have 20 panels.

Want to know how it gets from xlights to the BBB
Reminder Zoom Open session every Friday night at 7pm Sydney time. [/size]https://zoom.us/j/175801909

Session runs for as long as participants decide to hang around. Last couple of weeks this has been after midnight.

Session is entirely unscripted. There is no specific topic, and it is NOT sequencer specific ... all welcome. Drop in and speak up.