What an unlimited budget can do


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
If i just had the money, this is what can be done with a roof full of pixels. This setup must have cost minimum $30000 when you look at whats being used. A very nice effect

The specs
This setup consists of 54,020 LEDs (220 StellaGreen strings controlled by 15 StellaScapes E16-II controllers), programmed to dance to the music via MADRIX Ultimate running on a custom built Core i5-760 @ 2.8GHz w/ 8GB of RAM.

Now that wont be cheap but its impressive

Christmas Light Show 2011 in Fountain Valley, CA by Devers Dream Weavers 54,020 LEDs No.2

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xa6msB00Ds
PurpleNeons said:
I probably will never have a budget to do something like that but I sure would love to be able have the tech prowess to create it.

tech prowess to create it = MADRIX

That is a very impressive display. My hats off to him.
I like the display, but the sequencing could have been much better and much more traditional in my opinion. It looks like all he did was scroll through Madrix effects library and let it go. He has lots of cash, but no real creativity in sequencing.

I think some of us could create a much better end result.
I tend to agree. Nice setup and lots of potential, but the end product could be much much better with a rethink of the sequencing. Fast song? Use some faster effects! :)
i love the facial pictures that are scrolled on the roof..
what better way to let people know what your face looks like
i never looked much at the yard only the roof.. so much action an effects going on up there
I live about 7 miles away so I checked it out. I was impressed by the physical layout but not the programming. It just felt like a disco, not a Christmas display. Madrix alone just couldn't do the layout justus.
well i guess im going to have to start buying lotto tickets this year aswell as buy more Leds

not bad
David_AVD said:
I do like that one a lot more than the first one. I actually watched it to the end! :D
I agree, 2nd one is much better.
I is a sad panda as I will never spend that kind of money on a display.
Both are great exhibitions of what can be achieved like most the 1st has no creativity sequenced by the right person has could produce amazing results. While I love the 2nd one I find that I'm watching the screen and not the rest of the show
Kinda old thread, but does someone know what version of "Little Drummer Boy" that is?

EDIT: Never mind... found it: Little Drummer Boy by Vector Mode