what are members plans for 2017

Still planning to take 2017 off [emoji3]

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- Add some fireworks/spinners to the roof..
- Another North Pole
- Another Tune To sign
- Sit in santa sleigh with interactivity to the lights of some sort
- maybe Arches to the driveway
- maybe some elements in neighbours yards..
  • Replace all of the insides of my 8 stars. All to Strip.
  • Increase the pixels om my mini trees to 150 from 90 pixels. Also increase the tree to 8.
  • [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Make a few candy canes. Already started on these [/font]https://1drv.ms/i/s!AutHGg8E3wgkkBR2zRYlt8_PSydR
  • Replace my crappy 5 strip trees with 6 strip. https://1drv.ms/i/s!AutHGg8E3wgkkBWJVeUmi1SFwSf_ these are 1 meter in height.
That should keep me busy for 8 months.

I hope to change my singing trees to pixels (if I can work out how to set them up).
Change my 2 big stars to pixel (easy to setup)..lol
Add a couple of singing bulbs and hopefully buy a falcon controller.
1. Put all my matrixs on one controller
2. build a Mega tree
3 get the arches and coroflute candy canes working
4 tint tubes for some of the house outline
5 12v ray stars working
6 Get rid of the battery powered lights and make them pixels
asking lithgow lights what the cost would be for some snowflakes to hang off of my tv tower at back of house
(lithgow are you reading this - pleas pm or post some info are interested in mass production)
CHeers Boof63
PS pixel ixiciles - as per seans/lilas videos , where do you get them/ make them up etc.
have old incan that have died in sections and not worth recovering,
so looking for pix/icicles arrangement please anyone :D :D :D
Boof63 said:
asking lithgow lights what the cost would be for some snowflakes to hang off of my tv tower at back of house
(lithgow are you reading this - pleas pm or post some info are interested in mass production)
CHeers Boof63
PS pixel ixiciles - as per seans/lilas videos , where do you get them/ make them up etc.
have old incan that have died in sections and not worth recovering,
so looking for pix/icicles arrangement please anyone :D :D :D

We can talk - I need to do more soon, just have to get the printer working with ABS once again :)

Make your own pixicles - eithor in a classic drop design, or on a mesh lattice which is what I did mostly because 100kmh winds pick dangling icicles up and deposit them on the roof
thanks for answers guys, checked the ray site and is it worth having all drops the same length (assume you would get a nice chase across the whole pixicle), anyways will look and play with Xl4 to see who it works, thanks for theinfo and sites again
Cheers Boof63 :D :D :D
Im with logan..
After 6th's straight, Im having 2017 OFF..
means more Jack Daniels, No Stress with the Weather or Testing,
But 2018..
Hmm.. will the neighbour let me take over her yard as well.. :D
Ambitious I know. I have all year but......

I am on acreage - 4 to be exact, so I have the room for expansion.

Build another 3D 2 mtr candy cane using red and white LED strings
Build 4 x leaping arches
Modify my 4 x 2 mtr diameter RGB Dumb strip, 8 spoke spirals to double sided and make each spoke independently controlled.
Make an 2.8 (8ft) reindeer and santa sleigh
Convert my wife's 20 x village buildings from Battery power to 5 Volt DC power
Convert all other solar and battery light systems to DC mains power.
Create RGB triangle tree shape around my existing String light trees
Create a flying angel.
Learn how to program smart pixels ( 5 x strings as a ray of light bursting from angel for starters.)
Create an inexpensive back lit projector screen between two 2 mtr candy canes and place on roof for virtual Santa fly by and landing on roof.
Create a "stage Show" - a specific theme that will play every 15 or 20 mins between the lights ust doing basic flashing / dancing with music.
Convert my existing "Store bought lights" to computer controlled system
Add 20 more RGB Ball / sphere lights to the display (Wire pot plant hangers cable tied together)
Add another 48 strings of lights to my Mega tree - also work on "Shock Straps" to hold the lights so the wires don"t stress on the hanger or when the wind blows.

Experiment with my sound system around the property to introduce Sub woofer bass for Dub step bass drops that form an integral part of my "show" - something not too easy to do in open space with little reflective surfaces around.

To continue my R&D to use my media projector to project on to a screen of hi pressure water mist to create a special effect of an angel appearing from the Heavens and speaking to the people.

This will be my 3rd display and my first using synchronized music and lights (I hope)
tuppetsdad said:
I'm with Logan. Take a year off and head to a snowy winter where it gets dark at 4.30!

Exactly. And it'll be nice to stand back and enjoy watching someone else's display rather than looking at mine getting all worked up over that one pixel that's not working properly [emoji16]

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