What are you changing for 2024? Elements you are building, modifying or installing


Dedicated elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Attending today's Adelaide catch-up made me realise that this time next week it will be September - already!?! 🤯 I haven't given my show much thought since the start of the year let alone make any physical alterations or additions. About the only thing I have on the cards is to increase the density of my mega tree to 24 strands + a few extra to make it a bit more than 180 degrees. I'll just need more lights and more mounting strips. Last year's new topper was built with this density change in mind. Also, while not strictly element building related, in the off-season I've reorganised how my show is stored away in the shed. Some old wardrobes have been replaced with an open shelving unit. Some of these wardrobes have been used for lights since incandescent was in fashion - that is a long time ago!

So how about everyone else, what projects are you making (or on your to-do list) for your 2024 displays?

As before, this thread can be a place to share what you're building, assembling, adding or changing for 2024. You might like to share a photo, write about it or do both, the choice is yours! PS we have a 'prop construction' media category set up for anyone that would like to share photos. 🙂

PS: Last year's thread is linked below should you like to revisit it for inspiration, reminders, etc:
I am starting to think I have bitten off more than I can chew as planning to go from a single run of pixels across roofline to:
  • replacing roofline with strip lighting
  • repurposing roof pixels into 4 vertical outlines
  • 4 leaping arches
  • 3 spiral trees
  • 4 snowflakes about 150 pixels each
  • rebuild/new controller in non Tupperware enclosure...
Looking at this list by itself wasn't so scary but when I listed out all the sub-tasks required to get them done it has become overwhelming and I also realise I have got some busy weekends coming up which limits the time available. Spent most of the weekend doing the spiral trees but have decided they look crap so starting again with those. I need to try and knock off something easy to get the confidence back..

I still have loads of inflatables and Bunnings rope lights so will gets something out and that's all that matters.. 😀
Three major changes/additions this year, with a few minor bits.

about the only thing I have on the cards is to increase the density of my mega tree to 24 strands + a few extra to make it a bit more than 180 degrees
I'm doing similar; currently 1500x 5V nodes, 20x75 at 2" spacing, for 150º viewing. Currently wired as 1 strand up, 1 strand down, on 10 controller ports.

It'll be going to at least 24, maybe 30 strands; and horizontal density to be determined. I'm also going to 150 nodes per strand, each on its own port.
Also moving to 12V for the tree, namely because of the pixels that I got; and it's standalone. 75 up, 75 down in alternate node fashion.
This entails pulling all existing nodes, and re-pushing with the new ones. My thumbs are already sore; I'm down about 2000 nodes, with at least a thousand remaining.
A new controller box was also built to support the 12V operation.

I've got the 2x P6.67 matrix panels, each are 3x3 tiles of 48x48 outdoor panels - for a total resolution of 288x144 when combined. These have had the Novastar controllers ripped out and new Colorlight 5A-75E 16 port cards added in their place.
Still need to work out how and where I'm going mount these.

Finally I have some EFL Pixel Wings that I bought from Troy; these will run standalone, controlled by an F-Prop. The wings are pushed. The basic sequences made. I have to create a little control box for it and mount them on the movable TV stand that I ordered.
This will end up being something I can take to my girls' pre-school closer to Christmas - the kids will love it there.

A few other props will move around the place. Looking at moving the three signing bulbs to the roof to make them more visible. But that entails making some brackets to stand up to the wind to keep them there.

One thing I am trying to do is convince the wife to remove the pesky hedge, or at least a fair chunk of it. This will make the display more visible.
I've decided not to do a Halloween show this year and it will be another year of just doing upgrades.
  • Got rid of my 4 HDPE arches and putting in 8 HD fan arches
  • Got rid of my 8 mini trees and putting in 8 HD flat mini trees with prints
  • If I can be bothered I will replace all of the white coro house outline to black coro so it blends it nicer during the day
  • I upgraded a couple of my 2 x smart receiver enclosures and made them into 3 x SR enclosures
  • Added 1 more Kulp K16A-B controller
I may or may not toss a little effort into halloween, no new decorations but I have the p10 in the window and loud speakers...

I've got a few repairs, the star on the mega tree took a dump last year, lost the last pixel on the first string, and one strip of the megatree was just a mess so that's getting a complete replacement.

I intend to finish the permanent garden lighting, have the controller and everything out and mounted just have busy work (attaching resistors and actually installing the lights)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBIEuaIpXwU
- I started this last year so it's a little overdue...

If I get to it, I want to add 6 1.5m long kangaroos, primarily for 6 white boomers but eh, more pixels is more pixels :D
This year I'm adding many thousands of seed pixels.
-24 strand seed pixel megatree to replace 12 strand pixel node tree (will be known as the Cherry tree)
-several coro style seed pixel props. 2 1200 pixel spinners to start with.
-several old wire frames stripped of incand lights and changed to seed pixels
-add a small matrix adjacent to the pixel wings
-add a 7ft tall semi animatronic snowman. The brains for this are a bit dodgy as is the mechanical components
-at least 4 seeder tube seed pixel arches
-seeder tube seed pixel "safety lighting" along front fence
I'm also adding at least 10 new songs including 2 AI (Suno.com) generated ones which are specific to my location/display.
My upgrades for this year:
* Megatree strands now 1in spacing (was 2in.) Still 20 strands but this increases pixel count from 1,460 to 2,900 - COMPLETED
* Replace my rear projection singing faces with Hattitude Quartets x2 (an increase of ~1,200 pixels) - CORO ORDERED
* Replace air seeder 12v strip arches with ELD (sniff) fan arches w/matrix combos x 4 (an increase of ~2,400 pixels) - CORO ORDERED
* Replaced my 2x2 P5 Tune To sign with outdoor rated panels - COMPLETED
* Controller & Power enclosure upgrades, drawing inspiration from (read: stolen) @Skymaster using Large Tactix Tough Cases. Includes using new Baldrick controller for the yard items - 4x COMPLETED, 1 WIP, 1 TBC
* Actually put my set of 3 ChromaPresents out in the yard - (COMPLETED last year but didn't make it outside)
* Sequencing, might try to add 1-2 new ones but so far - COMPLETED 6 songs with 4 to go

I will need to order a few more pixels but not too many to cover the above, but I am also considering doing some button triggered props for my work office as it will be the last year at that location, might be nice to go out with a bang!

As a result of the above upgrades I have already moved on some older 12v props to new homes, and if I can complete the above in time then I'll be moving on all remainig 12v props I have either later this year or early next year.
* Replace air seeder 12v strip arches with ELD (sniff) fan arches w/matrix combos x 4 (an increase of ~2,400 pixels) -

I love it how the increase in pixels from one of your props is more than my whole set up... 🤣
What to attack this year..... replace the mege tree star, modify the matrix to add another 960 pixels, add approximately 22,000 pixels to the display.
Then the wife decided let's paint the old corro and make it look great, bought some more impressions and more pixels and now the layout is pretty much decided, just the hard work has gotta kick in or the yard is going to look nothing like the design LOL

I wish myself luck
Wasn't sure if I was going to change anything then got a surge of energy to change up my control boxes. Half way so far which is looking better. Power still may be an issue, won't really know until I commence testing. Was said to hear Troy was shutting shop and pleasant surprise to see he is continuing so ordered more corr last light. More min 180 trees and some more chroma trim as verticals.
Time is ticking by too fast! was not going to add much this year, really just wanted to get remote falcon going, then came Melbourne Mini! The pixels I got from there will go into a grinch and santa. Hoping to have them change colours as part of the show like any other prop, but then with the press of a button light up in their traditional colours so people can take pictures with them.
At the mini I also got some seed pixels, and they seem to fit pretty good into the Diamond pattern that is cut into my driveway, so have measured that up and am about to place an order with Paul.
Also need to repaint my snow family as they did not fair too well, they are peeling badly but that may need to wait till next year.
I agree, time is ticking away. ⏰😯

With it coming up to the middle of September, how goes everyone's progress towards their 2024 shows?

This week I received an extra roll of mounting strips from ELD for my mega tree, plus a couple of 59cm stars. These smaller stars are to compare with the larger 92cm size for another part of my show (unrelated to mega tree). I am undecided at the moment between having two big, two small or one big and two small. Decisions, decisions.

I also need to finalise my order for GS8208 pixels (leaving it a bit late... 🤔)
I’m pretty much done except waiting for my 8 snowflakes to arrive from CPA. Then mount everything. Already sequenced so hope it looks good once actually placed.