what is everybody plans for 2016

jspaulding22 said:
MarcD said:
Mine is the same as the plan I had for 2015: To not do a display. I succumbed to pressure from the neighbours.

That is a shame MarcD. Some people just don't know what Christmas is about.

If the pressure was because of visitors at all hours, couldn't you stop the show earlier?
I tend to stop my show at 9.30pm on weeknights and 11pm weekends just to keep the neighbours happy.
MarcD said:
Mine is the same as the plan I had for 2015: To not do a display. I succumbed to pressure from the neighbours.

Its about compromise, I wouldn't let the neighbours dictate that you shouldn't do a show. But at the same time there are things you can do to mitigate the impact to your neighbours. Now if they are fair they will appreciate the compromise, if they are just grinches then there will be nothing you can do except not do it at all, and in those situations you should never let the Grinch win out
I believe most people wouldn't mind a w/end show but 2 hours every single night would be a bit overboard. Especially since most Christmases many people are working longer and more stressful hours. I can empathise a little there.

So in preparation for 2016.. do you guys generally find there is a drop in prices for leds and associated gear after Christmas?

Like everything, demand drives up the cost so it's expected that things be more expensive at this time of year.. but I'm a little amazed at some of the led prices compared to a year ago (even taking the $AU into account).
My Plan for 2016

A proper house outline
Sort out power injection on my icicles
Mini trees
Fence lights
P10 panels
Fasteddy said:
MarcD said:
Mine is the same as the plan I had for 2015: To not do a display. I succumbed to pressure from the neighbours.

Its about compromise, I wouldn't let the neighbours dictate that you shouldn't do a show. But at the same time there are things you can do to mitigate the impact to your neighbours. Now if they are fair they will appreciate the compromise, if they are just grinches then there will be nothing you can do except not do it at all, and in those situations you should never let the Grinch win out

I don't think I worded my post very well. In fact, it was rubbish. We did do a show this year and it's been very popular. We had originally decided that we wouldn't put on a show this year, but our neighbours insisted because they wanted to do something. They even convinced another neighbour, who never does anything, to join in.

So, when I say that I succumbed to the pressure, I meant succumbed to the pressure to do something, not the other way around. Sorry about that.
Hopefully I can add a few things,

Mega Tree
Mini trees
FM Module
P10 Tune in sign
Singing faces

Looks like I'll be starting in Feb
I'd like to add roof and gutter outline strips and use the flag pole for a mega tree.
I want to finish some Coro like tree faces and get my p10 matrix working. I just ran out of time this year. I also need to get rid of some old lights to create space. I would also like to add some interactivity and more songs. I guess I will need to start next week.
Move arches to the front, and add 2-4 more, more 3D printed 12 point stars, tidy up a few items and consider making more LED covers for existing items.

Oh and I noticed an issue with power this year, so every PSU is going to get a small digital volt meter added to them, so I can see if there is an issue during the show. Not sure how I'll mount them, weather it be externally or in the box with a small see-through Perspex cover, but I'll work on that later :)
Ok here we go plans for next year improved driveway arches that dont get floppy in the heat plus xtra arches as they look so cool introducing more smart pixels .lighting the roof again as this is first year ever never done the roof and looks incomplete will probably be outline only as now have solar panels on front roof.. Possibly couple of smaller mega trees as would love to be able to have dancing men text etc thats heaps cool .also in my brain have an idea of lighting features if works will be very cool will be spending a little time in shed fabricating . Keeping a secret for just now but haven't seen anything like this yet and if works will share with everyone early in new year . But need to see if works first dont want to disappoint. But thats next year anything could happen . Hopefully we get there .merry xmas and a happy new year guys.
lots and lots more lights
a matrix
another mega tree
5 more arches
10 more mini trees
net lights
roof outline
rope lights for my wire frames
more reindeer
lithgowlights said:
Move arches to the front, and add 2-4 more, more 3D printed 12 point stars, tidy up a few items and consider making more LED covers for existing items.

Oh and I noticed an issue with power this year, so every PSU is going to get a small digital volt meter added to them, so I can see if there is an issue during the show. Not sure how I'll mount them, weather it be externally or in the box with a small see-through Perspex cover, but I'll work on that later :)
i found these while looking http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mini-Two-Wires-Digital-Voltmeter-Red-LED-Display-DC2-5-30V-Voltage-Meter-KK-Y/1978119680.html
Dear Santa,
my 2016 xmas list
1. NO LIGHTNING... :-\
2. Repair My existing system
4. get my arches working
6. Something interactive for the kids to play with, a sleigh? with bubbles and snow? (MarcD, might need to pick your brains here)
8. some mini pixel trees
10. a matrix
12. Something with a WOW factor.....open for ideas on this one folks, the circuit breaker says I can't have shooting flame throwers ( I could put them on the sleigh perhaps?)
