So I've got a garden to contend with for my display. It's at my parents place, so there is only so much I can "Trim/Cut down". (I was very surprised when some branches in front of my mega tree got removed)
There are these four trees on the nature strip out front. Circled in first pic, close up of one in second.
Is there such a thing as Netlights in the pixcel WS2811 world?
Question: What would some of you do to make these apart of your display? I have to work around them as it is now, so my layout is spread out.
Third pic is what the whole house looks like (Winter photo & allows me to see the house outline(s)).
Fourth pic is what my layout looks like in xlights.
There are these four trees on the nature strip out front. Circled in first pic, close up of one in second.
Is there such a thing as Netlights in the pixcel WS2811 world?
Question: What would some of you do to make these apart of your display? I have to work around them as it is now, so my layout is spread out.
Third pic is what the whole house looks like (Winter photo & allows me to see the house outline(s)).
Fourth pic is what my layout looks like in xlights.
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