New elf
How long have you been using it? Started using it in 2005
What version? Beta when there is one, currently public 3.2.4 Advanced.
Do you use SuperStar? I don't have a matrix or a pixel tree, so, no. I wouldn't choose it anyway.
Do you use Visualizer? Yes, Beta'd it all last summer. Currently have an 800+ pixel stage.
Do you do use DMX? Yes, ENTTEC Open. I also Beta'd the ELOR for Sandevices. So I'm also using E1.31 and the E681.
I've tried other softwares to control a limited number of devices, but never really attempted to use any of them to run a display. Call it laziness, but I just never spent the time to learn them. I found that I'm comfortable with LOR and didn't want to end up confusing platforms. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I'll use Sean Meighan's Nutcracker tool for the 2013 Pixel tree.
What version? Beta when there is one, currently public 3.2.4 Advanced.
Do you use SuperStar? I don't have a matrix or a pixel tree, so, no. I wouldn't choose it anyway.
Do you use Visualizer? Yes, Beta'd it all last summer. Currently have an 800+ pixel stage.
Do you do use DMX? Yes, ENTTEC Open. I also Beta'd the ELOR for Sandevices. So I'm also using E1.31 and the E681.
I've tried other softwares to control a limited number of devices, but never really attempted to use any of them to run a display. Call it laziness, but I just never spent the time to learn them. I found that I'm comfortable with LOR and didn't want to end up confusing platforms. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I'll use Sean Meighan's Nutcracker tool for the 2013 Pixel tree.