Who uses LOR Software?


LOR user
Nov 8, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
This is like a head count thread kinda thing.
Who uses LOR software for programing?

How long have you been using it?
What version?
Do you use SuperStar?
Do you use Visualizer?
Do you do use DMX?
yes this is my third year using lor and now s3.
i am using dmx this year and have played around with ss and i do use the visualiser but hope thye make it so you can draw pixel strings on it some time soon.
How long have you been using it? 5 yrs
What version? Beta
Do you use SuperStar? NO
Do you use Visualizer? Yes
Do you do use DMX? Yes
Started with LOR advanced and 8 AC controllers in 2008.
Used LOR advanced still in 2011.
Used superstar for some infill stuff mainly for some new display elements.
Added about 200 channels of dmx for 2011. Used both a LOR network and a DMX network.
Used visualiser and found it an amazing step forward in visualising the display. My 2012 plan is to get twin monitors so I can run the sequencer and visualiser on separate screens.

Tried LSP in 2011 but found it too complicated/unfriendly and didn't see enough benefits over LOR.
Tried Vixen in 2011 too but it didn't seem to be a complete package. Addons/plugins had to be used for things to work.
How long have you been using it? Negligable
What version? 3.14
Do you use SuperStar? NO
Do you use Visualizer? Yes
Do you do use DMX? Yes

Well, I havent actually used any of the software for the control of lights. I have onkly used them for the sequencing aspect.

Granted, I thought LOR was definately very easy and user friendly, but have been informed of the current limitations for it, especially when it comes to the control of pixels.

For that reason I have now moved onto LSP. Whilst not quite as easy to learn then LOR, it definately has alot of potential, and makes grouping items and control of pixels easy.

Also with its native support to basically all controllers available, it is definately my choice of software atm.

Hoping that what I currently see on the screen in the visualiser, truely reflects on the main stage when I finally get around to playing with the blinky blinks themseves
Started using LOR in 2005 and have progressed through versions 1, 2 and then 3 for 2011 (advanced licence).

The earlier visualizer did not suit my display and time prevented me setting up the S3 visualizer for the 2011 show. However I have now started experimenting with the S3 visualizer and will use it this year.

I purchased Superstar with the licence updates, but have not yet tried to use it.

No DMX used in previous years or planned for 2012. I find the LOR DC boards are easy to integrate and use without adding unnecessary extra features of DMX. Note, I do not plan on adding high channel count RGB pixels as this would change my whole approach to sequencing the display.
aussiexmas said:
. Note, I do not plan on adding high channel count RGB pixels as this would change my whole approach to sequencing the display.

ohhh come on Geoff, not like you have thousands of lights or a huuuuuuuuuuuge display to do.... :p ohhh,wait...... i stand corrected.
How long have you been using it? 2 years
What version? 3.2.0
Do you use SuperStar? Just playing
Do you use Visualizer? Yes
Do you do use DMX? Yes
I started using LOR in November 2010 with one 240V 16C controller.
I do not have a SS licence as yet but I have had a play with the demo and instant sequencing.
I really like the new visualizer and I am using a second screen and highly recommend it when sequencing.
I have just upgraded to the Advanced Software to use DMX controllers this year and plan to run two universes one LOR and one DMX.
How long have you been using it? I've used it since 2007
What version? S2 until this year, and I've upgraded to S3 with superstart last month
Do you use SuperStar? Haven't see the use for my display yet
Do you use Visualizer?It looks like Visualizer will do what I was using HolidayLights for. Just need to start setting up and see. Holiday lights was pretty clunky, and doesn't support RGB like visualizer does, so I'm sure it'll become my new best friend
Do you do use DMX? Which is why I'm here :) I'm preparing to start swapping out some small elements with RGB.
In answer to your questions

How long have you been using it? 16 months
What version? Latest
Do you use SuperStar? Yes
Do you use Visualizer? Yes
Do you do use DMX? Just starting to look at this possibility

Cheers! :D
Started using LOR when it was first introduced. (I knew Dan Baldwin from our PC community, and his factory was located in my state, so I got a heads-up!). Currently am running S3.

I have no need for S3 visualizer.

I purchased the 2 CCR version of Superstar along with the S3 upgrade, but will be using a different software for my pixels.

DMX has been incoporated in our display using a LOR iDMX for the past several years.
Re: Re: Who uses LOR Software?


How long have you been using it? 6 years
What version? Latest
Do you use SuperStar? No
Do you use Visualizer? Not yet
Do you do use DMX? Last season, 3 universes
How long have you been using it? 2 years
What version? 3.2.0
Do you use SuperStar? a little
Do you use Visualizer? I can put the house photo in it :)
Do you do use DMX? No (not yet)