Don't do the auto configure. What that does is scans the attached hardware looking for a usb dongle and assigns that to the LOR network. Getting rid of your LOR network is half the battle when changing to dmx.

I looked up the combo for 35 and was able to cross reference that to ch17 to answer my own question.

I skip the first switch and assign the 9 switches to match the channel.

Now to try hook all three together!

In the meantime any help getting my 240v to work in DMX would be awesome if anyone can help.
In my glee of seeing ligts, I was going through and testing each channel so I could mark the cables with the ch number.

That was fine going 1-8, but when I got to 9, my lights stopped working altogther.

I retried them on the channels that just worked ok before, and I tried them with brand new strings. Nothing.

Has it blown something?
Actually. ch 1-5 still work, ch 6-10 don't.

Does that mean its the fuse? Can I replaces fuses?
just going back to your photo of the dip switches, im justy wanting to know if 'I am correct' in my thinking.. do those on switches total 35 ?
Yeh, Sorry Matt. we sorted that. cos there was 10 switches, I started at the first switch.

I now have blinky blinky RGBs for the first time ever!!!!

Come along way since the Adel mini...

Except I think Ive blown a fuse.
OK Alan, need your help.

as explained 1-5 & 11-20 all work. But that section with 6-10 RGB's does not work.

I replaced the fuse with a fuse from one of the other boxes, and nothing.

Does this mean its fried?

It was when I tested #9, which makes me wonder if 9 had a short like the one you tested.

Is this recoverable? very concerned.
Hi Lennon
I missed this message from earlier as I was working and then just had a quick glance back in chat and didn't see it. I am assuming that 1-5 and 11-20 actually means that channels 1-15 (connectors 1-5) and 31-60 (connectors 11-20) are working. There are 4 fuses with each fuse covering 15 channels. It sounds like the fuse protecting channels 16 to 30 is blown. If it is blown it may have just been a dicky connector. If it is blown like it sounds like then the leads on that channel should be checked with a multimeter. There's other ways of checking the channels/leads but they're complicated to explain.
Yes I mean those channels.

I replaced that fuse, but still got nothing....

Do you mean it could be the piece of metal the fuse slides into?

I have a meter but for the life of me cannot work out how to work it:( embarassing.

I will replace #9 pigtail anyway cos Im 99% sure thats the one as I checked the channels one by one.

It didnt turn on for red. Came on for green and when is was meant to go blue all channels on that section stopped.