xLights sharing: sequences

Hi all. Would anyone happen to have or know where to find/ purchase a sequence for the panic at the disco version of The Greatest Show ?
Thank you 😁
Also the drive link wouldn't go astray ether thanks (Finally setting up my first year) 🤩
Does it have to be the Panic at the Disco version? XLATW did the original in 2018 so there's a lot of free material for it. There are also some free and paid embellishments to that sequence floating around out there. And there's a good thread on this site so you can relive the experiences of others who started with it.
Does it have to be the Panic at the Disco version? XLATW did the original in 2018 so there's a lot of free material for it. There are also some free and paid embellishments to that sequence floating around out there. And there's a good thread on this site so you can relive the experiences of others who started with it.
Thank you very much. I will have a look on that thread now :)🙏
We have not "officially" launched the site .. but it is there https://xlights.info .. you can search the over 3000 sequences to find out if it is available. I see quite a few posts above about where can I find x? Just be sure to use the search in the upper RIGHT corner of the page. Keep it simple like panic for example or greatest.
bit of a waste of time listing all the uxsg files though you can't get to them and that fb group doesn't let a lot of people in
The group is open to those who have provide sequences to others for free that are of fair standards
I have a few sequences that I am working on (not all finished just yet) for 2018 that I am happy to share (link is to each YouTube video):
Booty Swing
Dopant Beats - Christmas Trap
Get it - Christmas Trap
Nutcracker Trap Remix
Ronettes - Sleigh Bells Remix
(Snow) Mans not hot (Clean)
Winter Wonderland/Dont Worry Be Happy (Pentatonix)
They may not interest everyone but if anyone wants any PM me.
Hello Brad, I'm new to the group and I would like to have some of your sequences, in advance Thank you very much