2012 Mini Melbourne

== Australian Melbourne Mini ==
|marker1 = 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD Melbourne

=== Dates, Times and the boring detail ===

'''Date:''' June 2-3, 2012

'''Times:''' Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday 10am-5pm.

'''LOCATION:''' [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+3067,+Melbourne&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=75.542478,89.736328&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+Victoria+3067,+Australia&ll=-37.803206,144.9996&spn=0.002388,0.002739&z=19&iwloc=A CNC Design Pty Ltd, 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD, MELBOURNE 3067] ( our hosts the tuppets ), its just out of the Melbourne CDB. Its 2km NE of Melbourne CBD ( 10 minutes by car, 15 by tram )...Note we have a weird numbering system in the street 1K is 50 m from Nicholson Street on RHS.

DISPLAYS: Warehouse area has space for displays so let Tuppets know if you are want to set up anything and we can help (if it's really big we also have electricians on site and three phase).

'''COSTS:''' $20 to cover: lunch each day (bbq and something else to be decided) and drinks.

'''Forum Discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1426.new.html

If there is enough interest we will arrange a dinner on Saturday night (additional cost).

=== Preliminary Details ===

The legend of the 'Australian' Mini lives on as the Melbourne Mini. If you can only make it to one event in 2012 this is the one to be at.

Based on the feedback from 2011 we will be encouraging a lot more show and tell.

Streaming will not be available unless there are more than 20 attendees. This is to encourage more people to come along in person as it really is the only way to make the most of the weekend.

(These will be confirmed closer to the date)
#AAH (one day)
#cscool36 (Colin)
#Davidt (maybe)
#Synodontis' other half.
#abundy (Saturday)
#wazzawazzaw (from Chat found forum 2 days ago)

This will be confirmed closer to the date. Any requests or modifications should be made through the forum thread.
While everyone is encouraged to attend both days, the first day is targeted for less experienced Christmas Light fanatics in order to make the hobby more accessible.

Saturday (Beginners -> intermediate)

- Introduction to Christmas Lights

- Explore a show (or two) - beacy.

- Planing a show - starting from nothing, - Tuppet

- Introduction to electronics- tuppetsdad

- Hooking things up - a sample of boards and where they fit in the grand scheme of Christmas lights.- aah

Lunch and chat.

- waterproofing - lithgowlights

- Introduction to LOR - AAH

- Introduction to DMX - Tuppet

- Discussion on Suppliers (local)

Sunday (Intermediate -> advanced)

- Introduction to E1.31 and Pixels

- Vendor Presentation: stellascapes - tuppetsdad

- sequencing: LSP - tuppet

- sequencing: Vixen

- Show and Tell

1pm Lunch and chat

- Show and Tell

- Marketing - how do you draw in more visitors? (general discussion)

- Discussion about Chinese suppliers. - tuppetsdad

continued discussion in the warehouse.

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