This page details how specific pixel output board capes/hats are impacted by FPP6 pixel output changes. It is a work in progress, best efforts, and may contain errors. Corrections welcome. Where details conflict with any official FPP communication or resource, those official definitions, interpretations, etc take precedence.
How specific capes are affected
The table below attempts to clarify whether individual capes retain existing functionality unlicenced, whether they include a licence and if not what functionality a licence can add.
Manufacturer and model number | Cape/hat description | FPP single-board computer | FFP6 compatible unlicenced? | DPIPixels status (Raspberry Pi Only) | BeagleBone Cape Requirements |
Kulp Lights K8-B | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Pre-installed | N/A | Pre-signed, no licence key required |
Kulp Lights K16A-B | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Pre-installed | N/A | Pre-signed, no licence key required |
Kulp Lights K32A-B | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Pre-installed | N/A | Pre-signed, no licence key required |
Kulp Lights K8-PB | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Pre-installed | N/A | Pre-signed, no licence key required |
Kulp Lights K40-PB | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Pre-installed | N/A | Pre-signed, no licence key required |
Kulp Lights F8-B | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Use virtual EEPROM, no licence purchase required |
Kulp Lights F32-B | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Use virtual EEPROM, no licence required |
Kulp Lights F40-PB | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Use virtual EEPROM, no licence required |
Kulp Lights OctoPlus | LED panel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | N/A | N/A | |
Kulp Lights PocketScroller | LED panel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | N/A | N/A | |
Kulp Lights Pi-OLED | OLED display | Raspberry Pi | N/A | N/A | |
Scott PB 16v2 | Pixel output board | PocketBeagle | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Free DIY licence eligible |
Scott BBB 16v2 | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Free DIY licence eligible |
PixelController Falcon PiCap | Pixel output board | Raspberry Pi | Yes (RPIWS281X output) | Unlocks onboard audio | N/A |
Hanson Electronics PI36 | Pixel output board | Raspberry Pi | Yes (RPIWS281X output) | Unlocks onboard audio | N/A |
Hanson Electronics rPi-28D | Pixel output board | Raspberry Pi | Yes (RPIWS281X output) | Unlocks onboard audio, allows WS2801 output to be used as 2 more WS2811 strings. | N/A |
Hanson Electronics HE123 | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Licence required |
Hanson Electronics Octoscrolla | LED panel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | N/A | N/A | |
Hanson Electronics rPi-P10 | LED panel output board | Raspberry Pi | N/A | N/A | |
Hanson Electronics rPi-MFC | Pixel output board, LED panel output board | Raspberry Pi | Yes (RPIWS281X output) | Unlocks onboard audio | N/A |
Hanson Electronics rPi-LedClock | OLED display, Real-time clock | Raspberry Pi | N/A | N/A | |
SmartAlecLights PixelBone 48 (Purchased assembled) | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Licence required |
SmartAlecLights PixelBone 48 (Purchased as kit) | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Free DIY licence eligible |
Other BBB based capes - purchased assembled | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Licence required |
Other BBB based capes - purchased as kit | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Free DIY licence eligible |
Home made / self designed cape | Pixel output board | BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green, PocketBeagle | Limited to 50 pixels per output | N/A | Free DIY licence eligible |
Who needs a licence key for DPI or BBB pixel output
In very generalised terms, a cape is affected by FPP6 changes if it outputs to pixels and:
- It runs from a BeagleBone Black/BeagleBone Green/PocketBeagle; or
- It runs from a Raspberry Pi and:
- you want to to use DPIPixel output features which will allow you to:
- use Raspberry Pi onboard audio; or
- connect more than two pixel strings;
- you want to to use DPIPixel output features which will allow you to:
Licence key exceptions
For DIY capes you personally built, from
For Kulp capes, from
Any capes from other FPP developers are also understood to be pre-signed hence do not need a licence.
For other cape brand purchases before 31 July 2022, from
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