Distributed Display Protocol, or DDP as it is commonly known, is a more efficient alternative to E1.31. Several of the newer E1.31 pixel controllers also support receiving data over DDP. DDP and E1.31 both send data over an IP network. This means no physical changes are needed to switch from E1.31 to DDP so long as your controllers support it. You may choose to mix E1.31 and DDP, i.e. keep your legacy controllers configured for E1.31 and newer ones on DDP.
Due to improved efficiencies, some pixel controllers advertise higher maximum pixel counts when configured for DDP, such as Genius from Experience Lights with the limit doubled. In practice, power considerations will dictate how many pixels can be run safely.
Due to improved efficiencies, some pixel controllers advertise higher maximum pixel counts when configured for DDP, such as Genius from Experience Lights with the limit doubled. In practice, power considerations will dictate how many pixels can be run safely.
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E1.31 · Distributed Display Protocol · DMX512 · Light-O-Rama · Renard |
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