Hobart/Tas TAS Mini 2022 interest?


Sep 2, 2019
Perth Tas
Hey All just putting the feelers out to anyone that might be interested in attending the Tas mini this year. Haven’t thought of a date as yet , venue may be held a Max’s place as he would like to show his flame machines so the school is out HAHA. Also with the Covid situation not sure how we all feel about running one . Probably be just be a get together let us know your thoughts. Cheers Snowy(Phil).
count me in the one last year in Launceston was great and always like to see Max's toys !!
Andrew Lee also so looks like 6 plus David if he is not working . will talk to Max too see what dates , any input is apricated , I'm all good for just a get together and have a chat about stuff . if there is specific things add to the thread . also dates as well.
Let me know dates that work for people maybe like april/may? gives us all time and more so me time to clean the shed to house us all.

also have a think about any topics you would like to discuss, we will have access to setup and play with flamers, spark machines, I also still have the commercial 4.81 led panels up atm so we can have a play with them and using sender cards with xlights.
I'm available anytime Max hopefully all the others can decide on a date .