Outdoor cable markers


Apprentice elf
Jan 5, 2019
Hi all. Wondering what everyone uses to label their cables outside for controllers and extensions leads etc? I had used one of those label makers then covered the labels with clear heat shrink but after the first season they had faded terribly and then after the second they had faded completely. I’m looking at something like the below but wanted to see what other options people might have used for outdoor labels.
I use a label maker and chase heatshrink for mine. Whilst it's the first season of blinky, I've done it with success before in other areas.
The trick is to not use the paper based thermal label tape. They are rubbish, like modern day woolworths dockets.
I have a brother labeller that uses the TZe plastic tape and this is much more durable and haven't had anything fade yet.
I used a white paint marker this year for marking some of my cables when I pre-installed them before the controller was ready.
I had been looking at Wired Watts Pig tail sleeves but thought Ali was worth a look and found these. I haven't bought or tried them so can't comment on quality.

This looks interesting. And will fit my brother labeller. I'm gonna grab some and give it a spin
I had been looking at Wired Watts Pig tail sleeves but thought Ali was worth a look and found these. I haven't bought or tried them so can't comment on quality.

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never knew the likes of this was around for a label printer … cheers as I've been using this brother p touch here but will now be changing to the heat shrink tube … they are on TradeMe if interested
Thanks everyone for the ideas, I like the idea of the tze tape as I already have a printer I think it will fit.
I use plastic bread tie tags, free with my loaf of bread and easy to replace. Very weather resistant if you dont get the new cardboard ones.
They are also very good for cable management.
I use plastic bread tie tags, free with my loaf of bread and easy to replace. Very weather resistant if you dont get the new cardboard ones.
They are also very good for cable management.
They've completly phased them out here near me. The new paper ones are useless for the bread once opened, and even worse for anything else.
The old plastic ones were very handy for a whole range of uses.