What are you changing this year? Elements you are building or installing for 2023

My display will finally have an entrance and a surprise homemade decoration.
I will also be relocating certain items to make room for some other new additions.
Garage Day 3? 98% done. There are a few tweaks needed to make the flakes point out and a slight adjustment needed for the strings. I ran the lower 6 props from a single port and it's too much by the time it gets to the last spinner.
Second floor Day 1? Put the Snowflakes up and wired everything. Bad news is between Halloween and setup I lost a couple pixels in the window frames and 2 frames need to be fixed. I also did not manage to map the ports right and need to adjust that also.
What about mega tree strip? I’m using lots of it for fences. I’m making up some mounts to put every 1-2m to keep it from twisting.
I have actually come up with another solution.
I am putting pixels inside cable trays :)
Garage Day 4? Made adjustments and things are working well. The garage is done and ready to go. Added the edge verticals and the lower 6 props this year.

Second Floor Day 3? Had to fix 3 windows frames that had pixels issues. Added HD Rosa Wreaths and 6 snowflakes and rearranged them.

Now to focus on the first floor and the yard.
How is everyone's setup going?

Today mine has gone backwards, due to having to take something down that developed a faulty pixel (it was WS2811 – too bad it didn't have data backup!). Hopefully it can be reinstalled tomorrow.

Oh, and I couldn't resist this cheeky test pic from earlier tonight with some local fireworks in the background 😆.
How is everyone's setup going?

Today mine has gone backwards, due to having to take something down that developed a faulty pixel (it was WS2811 – too bad it didn't have data backup!). Hopefully it can be reinstalled tomorrow.

Oh, and I couldn't resist this cheeky test pic from earlier tonight with some local fireworks in the background 😆.
View attachment 24416
It looks like a transformer blowing up behind the building.
How is everyone's setup going?
I can hardly believe everything I plugged in today is working. This being my first year I hadn’t even tested the 30m Ethernet cables nor differential boards… I’ve got about half my display up, but not all powered because I ran out of time to make cables. I’m very pleased with using extension cable to run long 5V wiring.
Happy with how my layout turned out this year, all my ideas have worked. I brought my whole viewing area forward to the fence line and it’s so much better. 3rd year, everything is new except for the 6 stars and one talking tree. I also made it my mission to not use zip ties (or very few) and i succeeded.
Well, lately it has been all about setup and not so much about props. That has changed the last couple of days. One of my wish lists for this year was to double my Megatree from 1200 to 2400 pixels. Here are 20 of the 24 strands upgraded. Just need to finish the last 4 and everything will be good to go. Each strand went from 50 to 100 pixels.

When you say you doubled the strands @Indigogyre , did you cable tie or join in another way together two strands you'd already made, or did you cut fresh 100 long strips? If you joined, would love to see how!
When you say you doubled the strands @Indigogyre , did you cable tie or join in another way together two strands you'd already made, or did you cut fresh 100 long strips? If you joined, would love to see how!
Neither, my original strips were 50 pixels spaced 2" apart. So, I just inserted another 50 pixels in the empty holes which would give me 100 pixels on 1" alternating nodes. They start at the bottom and go up 50 then come back down. The trick was making sure they all started in the same place and ended in the same place.

My strands were wired up-down-up-down for 200 pixels per port. so the bottom alternated between the start of the string or the end of the string. For alternating pixels each strand starts with pixel one in the lowest position. So, I either had to start above or below the pixel that was already there depending on if it was the first or last pixel. I mixed up my first couple but then learned to check everything. I took some pictures while I wired a new strand to mimic the old ones. I worked through all my old ones already.

I thought it was easier to do alternate nodes instead of pulling out 1200 pixels from strips and then pushing 2400 pixels in.

Here is a sample of the alternates nodes when testing the first 50 and the last 50 with different colors.

if you want to see the rest of the pictures let me know.
Neither, my original strips were 50 pixels spaced 2" apart. So, I just inserted another 50 pixels in the empty holes which would give me 100 pixels on 1" alternating nodes. They start at the bottom and go up 50 then come back down. The trick was making sure they all started in the same place and ended in the same place.

My strands were wired up-down-up-down for 200 pixels per port. so the bottom alternated between the start of the string or the end of the string. For alternating pixels each strand starts with pixel one in the lowest position. So, I either had to start above or below the pixel that was already there depending on if it was the first or last pixel. I mixed up my first couple but then learned to check everything. I took some pictures while I wired a new strand to mimic the old ones. I worked through all my old ones already.

I thought it was easier to do alternate nodes instead of pulling out 1200 pixels from strips and then pushing 2400 pixels in.

Here is a sample of the alternates nodes when testing the first 50 and the last 50 with different colors.
View attachment 24443

if you want to see the rest of the pictures let me know.
I'd like.to see other pictures, and how you are going to do this in xlights? Thos what I would like to do next year with my tree.