Cheap Projectors

I don't see a serial (or network) port on that one so you're only chance would be to have something fire IR remote control signals at it.
could i just play the media straight from sd or usb, with those cheap projectors?
Yes you could, was just about to reply to @David_AVD and suggest that. My el-cheapo chinese projector can loop video continuously from a media file on a USB stick. Though strangely it wouldn't loop all file formats, not a big issue as had file in several formats and you can easily convert files if necessary.
on mine it is, there's a media player which has a repeat button (bit like windows media player) so video keeps repeating. there's also a 'shuffle' button so I guess you could have multiple videos repeating (haven't tried this... yet).
My el-cheapo was more than double the price of the one scamper linked, so can't say how that one would go.
My 5000 lumen 270ish usd projector just came in from china. I will say it is bright. Is it 5000 lumens not sure but it is super bright. I now need to try it out as an outside projector and for my virtual santa.
My 5000 lumen 270ish usd projector just came in from china. I will say it is bright. Is it 5000 lumens not sure but it is super bright. I now need to try it out as an outside projector and for my virtual santa.
Sweet. What are you projecting onto outside? The further away from the the projected surface (screen) the duller the image will be.
I tried an "invisible screen" at 3 - 4 mtrs and it was a dismal fail. Projected onto the house and a white sheet at the same distance and it was not a problem at all.
Came across this projector, uses a 260W bulb rather than LEDs, it is 5 times the budget and if anything may be too bright.

The test page is interesting, it shows how they test and calculate brightness; interesting note from their test page: "The difference is that the Chinese standard result are more than four times that of American if the light source is UHP Bulb, LED lamp's lumens is ten times than American."