Recent content by cwbotner

  1. C

    Please confrim D2 settings.

    [attachimg=1]Here is the output config. Only e1.31 set.
  2. C

    Please confrim D2 settings.

    I tried to seperate the channels in groups of 16, but that did not work, so I just set the 1st one to 1-12 and turned off the other 3.
  3. C

    Please confrim D2 settings.

    [attachimg=1]This is my LSP setup for the LOR over DMX output. Please confirm. Should be pretty straight forward. universe 1, start 1, 512 channels. Correct?
  4. C

    Please confrim D2 settings.

    Lor have been using Port 1, I tried port 2, and tried 1, and 1 in the univ 1 slot. I have been making changes, to try and trouble shot the issue
  5. C

    Please confrim D2 settings.

    [attachimg=2][attachimg=1]All; please confirm my D2 settings. I am getting the red light on the LOR controllers, but no blinky blink. Thank you, Collin
  6. C

    RGB Floods DMX IDs in LSP

    All; Some Of my Fllods are 5 channel, and some are 8 in the intruction sheets that came with the products. Some are R, G, B, W, and strobe plus 3 "program" channels. So When setting up my DMX Floods in LSP, can I just set up 5 going to be used insted of 8 total, and on the 5 channel, just set up...
  7. C

    HolidayCoro Programmer to set LOR AC controllers in DMX?

    All; Can I set the LOR controlller ID using the DMX setup, or do I need to purchase the LOR dongle? (I would rather not buy a $60 dongle just to set the IDs) I understand the Documnet attached to this post, Thank you, but I did not see where it covered setting the unit ID. 1)The slide in the...
  8. C

    Running LOR Controllers in a DMX Universe

    All; Can I set the LOR controlller ID using the DMX setup, or do I need to purchase the LOR dongle? (I would rather not buy a $60 dongle just to set the IDs) I understand the Documnet attached to this post, Thank you, but I did not see where it covered setting the unit ID. 1)The slide in the...
  9. C

    Pixel direction needed please!?!

    Would you make a recommendation on which ic to use? What is the difference between the $32 and $70 2811 strips on Rays website? What is the difference between 10ic/m vrs 32 ic/m? I understand the logical, but not how it relates to my Mega tree. Also can you explain the pixel extenders? Do I...
  10. C

    Pixel direction needed please!?!

    Thanks again Eddy!! These RGB stripswill be for my mega tree. Would you make a recommendation on which ic to use? What is the difference between the $32 and $70 2811 strips on Rays website? What is the difference between 10ic/m vrs 32 ic/m? I understand the logical, but not how it relates to my...
  11. C

    Pixel direction needed please!?!

    All; I need to get a order for my RGB lights in this week!! And I am more confused now, than ever!! I know I can get order from Ray ok, but these prices are great!! Does anyone else have experience from Green Lantern?? Or Shenzhen Clen Optoelectronics Questions I have is that I like the 2811...
  12. C

    Online Mini Conference - LightShow Pro Tutorial Video Available

    Got It.. Was my work laptops VPN stopping the page from opening... Thank you.
  13. C

    Online Mini Conference - LightShow Pro Tutorial Video Available

    Hi Eddy; Can you please verify the link, and repost if needed please? I get an error when trying to connect to the link. Thank you Sir!!
  14. C

    Which lights to use for my RGB MegaTree this year

    Your the best FastEddy!! Your info is priceless for a newbie like myself!!! Many thanks!!