Recent content by Jay.S

  1. Jay.S

    Greetings from Caboolture

    Hey welcome! I am in Narangba if you need some help.
  2. Jay.S

    Preparing to buy for first setup - appreciate any advice

    "One is the run them at a lower brightness. This method is effective but imperfect because you're relying on the data signal to limit the power consumption. The pixels may turn on brighter if the signal goes corrupt." THANK YOU!
  3. Jay.S

    Preparing to buy for first setup - appreciate any advice

    Just some quick thoughts... If most of your viewers will be standing roughly where the photo was taken from, the light from the garage door down the driveway, on the left don't make sense as they won't be visible. As other have said forget about the tree, you will never get those lights as...
  4. Jay.S

    Pixelstick Where to buy

    You can easily load the ForkInEye PixelStick firmware on a NodeMCU. I actually switched to WLED from PixelStick because the WLED software actually works better (for what I want anyways).
  5. Jay.S

    Small Tree Ideas

    You can always overthink a problem you don't have... That looks like a solution trying to find a problem to solve.
  6. Jay.S

    If here have any way to use web address instead of the IP to access the device.

    I spoke to @gflai and I think something is getting lost in translation...
  7. Jay.S

    If here have any way to use web address instead of the IP to access the device.

    You should be able to use multicast. If you use multicast, xLights will send data to ALL controllers on the network. It is then up to the controller (espixelstick) to decide if the traffic is meant for itself or some other controller on the network (it knows its own universe and channel numbers).
  8. Jay.S

    Hello, i am from GFLAI

    If that price @gflai quoted is retail price, how is 4 cents per LED more expensive than bullets? I could quite literally replace every pixel in my display and still pay less than 200 USD...
  9. Jay.S

    Hello, i am from GFLAI

    The 3 wire ones, as far as I know, are really similar in looks to the 3 wire ones that are addressable as if they are WS2811. I wouldn't put 12mm bullets on my Xmas tree in the living room. I will certainly consider these.
  10. Jay.S

    Hello, i am from GFLAI

    The ones we were testing are 3-wire. Not the DMX addressable one, those are 2 wires. But I don't know enough about DMX to be helpful in that area.
  11. Jay.S

    Hello, i am from GFLAI

    Thanks for the kind words @gflai. So I have seen these things in action because I helped Tim to set them up. They may not be WS2811 ICs, they work exactly the same and it looks really good. If you are one of those people that is bothered by the fact that bullet or square nodes just don't look...
  12. Jay.S

    Another New Guy Looking to Get Started

    From your spreadsheet I can see you are going 12v. On 100% you will need 4 (theoretically) - It's a bit of a judgement call, you never really run 100% white for any length of time. The formula: x * .06 * % = A required. This will give you 2000 pixels * .06 amp * 100% = 120A. Divide that by 30A...
  13. Jay.S

    Another New Guy Looking to Get Started

    Those trees are 85 nodes plus 20 for the star, so 105 pixels each. You may be better of ordering custom strings. Note that quite a few people have reported difficulty with wiring these with standard strings (especially the bottom as they get wider at the base). You may want custom spacing...
  14. Jay.S

    Falcon Controller
