Pixelstick Where to buy


New elf
Oct 12, 2019
Gold Coast Qld
Hi all anyone know any where I can get a pixelstick in Oz
Looked everywhere on aliexpress banggood on Australia sites no where to buy them or the starter pcb boards

Want to give it a try with some pixels after watching Drzzz
Thanks Kate Kate how long to arrive with freight forward and was that using the new Aust Post freight forwarding service for USA
Just had a look at the last cost for freight forwarding wow almost $40 for freight so nearly $100 for 1 stick
There $25 for a 5v kit, for pre-built add $5, for 12v add another $5,
If you need the usb to TTL programmer there $5 as well (if you want to flash it yourself)

There out of stock on the website, cause i make them to order an program them to order.
just tell me how many an what configuration you would like , an i will enable stock for you to buy them.
You can easily load the ForkInEye PixelStick firmware on a NodeMCU. I actually switched to WLED from PixelStick because the WLED software actually works better (for what I want anyways).
I have to agree here, WLED has an awesome feature, when if the stick loses wifi connection, you can run a preset effect/effects, rather than have the lights go out or freeze up.
Here is a prototype I knocked together a few weeks ago for use with WLED (this is esp32 based so I don't believe you can use Pixelstick firmware).

Personally I'm not entirely happy with it in current version I've got a small batch made, as the 5v linear regulator runs too hot on 12volt in my opinion.

However, this would be perfect if you run 5volt LED's, as i could simply remove the 5volt reg.

note - I made these for personal use for me, and friends, didnt plan on making for sale purpose.

(I'm SE Vic based)


IMG_1723 clean.jpg