Small Tree Ideas


New elf
Dec 10, 2020
I am working on my first display this year. I had an idea for a small tree. I am looking at 7 strings, and making it about 5ft tall. I was thinking about making each strand from 1/2" pvc pipe and connecting the pipe together at the top with a single piece of all thread or a bolt, and on the bottom using T's and more pipe.

Does this sound lucrative, or is there a lot easier way of doing this that I just haven't figured out yet.

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I do not have a 3d printer unfortunately. I have ordered the strips from Boscoyo along with a few other things. You guys/gals got me hooked on this lol... I have an idea of how to make the base and top, so once they get here I will get on it.. Thanks for your help!
Dreamin, wouldn't it cost an arm and a leg in consumables to make that tree?

Not really he costs it out somwhere, filament is fairly cheap, about $30 a kilo, then print time. Main cost would be in the bolts and tubing. Maybe around $50 each? Excluding the strip I would imagine? nice design that folds up. Might be worth a try.
Not sure if you have a 3d printer but this popped up on FB the other day. Quite a nice design with the ability to fold for easy storage. I'm thinking of replacing my coro trees with this for this year and changing a few other props.

You can always overthink a problem you don't have... That looks like a solution trying to find a problem to solve.
For my mini trees, I went to my local garden centre.

270 degree, 12 strings of 30 at 1 inch spacing.
What type of lights are you planning on using? Strip from Boscoyo would be my recommendation. Something like this would be my recommendation if you plan on using pixel nodes
What type of lights are you planning on using? Strip from Boscoyo would be my recommendation. Something like this would be my recommendation if you plan on using pixel nodes.
View attachment 16615

Hi, I reallyLike this!!, what did you use for the base??
Thanks @uncledan I just stopped to Lowes last night on the way home from work and picked up the pipe and ends. Just saw this, this morning before work, but that is exactly what I was looking at doing. The only exception was instead of spray paint, I have a part of a gallon of exterior paint, so was going to use that and instead of the custom top, I was just going to use wood.
Thanks Again!
Ok, Thanks again everyone for the tips, I have it built, strips are on, now comes the wiring. I am using xLights for the show, and using the tree model in the software, it looks like I have to Start at position 1 for the first light at the bottom left corner, then go to the top, then run a wire back down to the bottom to start the next row and the same for each strip. Is this correct, or am I missing something.

Not sure I follow exactly. No need to take a wire from the top back to the bottom on each string. Data and power will flow bottom to top, then top to bottom, etc.