Recent content by ozzimadman

  1. ozzimadman

    exp ports

    hi when setting up the 2 exp ports where should the dials be set to? the manual is confusing on this part? cheers
  2. ozzimadman

    2048 matrix issues

    I have a 2048 pixel matrix i set it up with 4 ports and 8 power injection power suplys are 320w for the 4 ports and 500w for the power 8 injection 12v running at 30% running from a remote box from my falcon f16v4 and works a treat
  3. ozzimadman

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2022 - 4 June 2022

    whats this for/about?
  4. ozzimadman

    VIC walkthroughs

    2 x Falcon F16 i cant find anywhere on how to setup 2 falcon's do u run them both off the 1 pie? as i want more lights next year and would like to run 2 falcons linked together but cant find nothing on how-to do this ?
  5. ozzimadman

    and its over pack up time ?

    merry xmas all so just a quick Q when do you all pull down yr lights boxing day? new year?
  6. ozzimadman

    Comment by ozzimadman on display video This is a test

    could i get a copy of the sequence please ?
  7. ozzimadman

    Comment by ozzimadman on display video YMCA (Christmas Version) by Furnace & the Fundamentals

    hi there any chance on getting a copy also cheers love to play it on xmas day
  8. ozzimadman

    Comment by ozzimadman on display video Squid Game

    your amazing thanks for sharing have it running tonight, big cheers and thanks from me :)
  9. ozzimadman

    Comment by ozzimadman on display video Squid Game

    where can i get a copy of the file :)
  10. ozzimadman

    amo box temps

    it sits flat so the lid is the top
  11. ozzimadman

    amo box temps

    there's a vent left side back front right side fan was blowing out but now since adding a 80mm on the lid its blowing air into the box and the 80mm fan on the lid is sucking air out of the box ps are spaced apart for air flow and holes directly above the fans
  12. ozzimadman

    amo box temps

    i have the typical amo box build with the 2 60mm vents 1 with a 12v full speed fan and just added a 80mm 12v full speed fan on the top of the box temp flashes orange and seems the only way to lower them is to open up the box have 4 350w ps where does everyone's temp run at ?
  13. ozzimadman

    random freezing

    hey all been running the show for the 6th day now and getting random freezing the music still plays but lights frozen most times it restarts and catches up in under 10 sec had it once today needed everything power cycled to fix running falcon controller v4 and a pie 3+ connected direct and...
  14. ozzimadman

    Speaker setup
  15. Christmas Eve Sarajevo, Polar Express, Believe

    Christmas Eve Sarajevo, Polar Express, Believe (2021)

    first year and fist time ever using pixels falcon controller v4 and pie player