Recent content by toodle_pipsky

  1. toodle_pipsky

    Brisbane/Qld Qld Ipswich Christmas Mini - April 21-22 2018

    Thanks for a great day today. Already feel the bank account draining....:p Good to be back after being distracted.
  2. toodle_pipsky

    Brisbane/Qld Qld Ipswich Christmas Mini - April 21-22 2018

    That would be awesome! It would be Saturday only. If nothing else it will get me back in the game. :)
  3. toodle_pipsky

    Brisbane/Qld Qld Ipswich Christmas Mini - April 21-22 2018

    Gah, I was hoping to attend a mini this year but looks like I'm too late . . .disorganised as always! Last one I came to I was cookin' a little helper I think, he'll be 5 this Christmas. :D Will have to get in early next year. Have a great mini!
  4. toodle_pipsky

    2015 ACL Card Swap

    Sorry guys, got distracted. . . . I get that a lot lately. All lists sent now, let me know if you didn't get yours. :) Happy blinky flashy to all!
  5. toodle_pipsky

    2015 ACL Card Swap

    Hi Guys, Card swap is closed. Thanks to all who sent in names, I'll get those lists away today. :) Keep an eye out in your PM box or email.
  6. toodle_pipsky

    2015 ACL Card Swap

    We have 13 people in the swap so far. Still a few days to join in. :)
  7. toodle_pipsky

    DMX Address Writer AT3031 Error

    Hi Dudes, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get a hold of Ray. But in the meantime, it's magically started working. Admittedly my 2 year old son go a hold of it last night and pushed all the buttons . . . . and the batteries have been out of it all day (needed them for...
  8. toodle_pipsky

    2015 ACL Card Swap

    Well it looks like I can't hide . . . . ;) I wasn't sure if there would be interest this year but I guess there is. Hope it's ok with admins because here's the 2015 Card Swap! So what’s a Christmas Card Swap? You submit your name and address, your details are then given to other people in the...
  9. toodle_pipsky

    DMX Address Writer AT3031 Error

    Hi Guys, Just about ready to cry . . . . . Ordered a DMX writer from Ray and it arrived super quick. Programed one light all cool, went to do the second one and what I think is an error now comes up on the writer and I can't do anything with it. When I turn it on "1-7-2" appears for a second...
  10. toodle_pipsky

    Help with setting up a Nikon D610 to record my show

    I have a Nikon D90, but I must admit I haven't recorded the lights, just taken photos. I can't push the ISO very high, I'm limited to 1000 before noise becomes a problem. Hopefully you don't run into this issue. [/size]...
  11. toodle_pipsky

    Setting start address on DMX RGB flood from Ray Wu

    Hey guys, I thought I should follow up this thread. I must have been mistaken with setting the start address on these floods with the software. I've just gone to change the start address to what I actually need it to be, or at least change one flood so it doesn't conflict with another flood...
  12. toodle_pipsky

    Troubleshooting P2 - Output 2 flickering/on solid white

    Hi guys, thought I would just add a "part 2" to my solution, especially if someone reads through this in future. After fist pumping the air thinking it was problem solved, tried running in Vixen and problems surfaced again. Noticed the power wire running a bit warm, so took the other advice...
  13. toodle_pipsky

    Troubleshooting P2 - Output 2 flickering/on solid white

    Thank you so much for your help guys. Michael, that video you linked to was great. And seemed to have solved the problem. Tied the ground as described in the video and bingo. Thanks for the other tips too guys. Will look at the speed as well to push it higher. Thanks again. :)
  14. toodle_pipsky

    Troubleshooting P2 - Output 2 flickering/on solid white

    Hi Guys, I am loath to post this, but it’s day 3 of troubleshooting in the heat and I need some fresh ideas. I know this is also a crappy time to be troubleshooting (trust me, would prefer to not be doing this), so please don’t remind me. :D I have an ecg-p2 running 2 strings of pixicles (WS2811...