Recent content by welby

  1. W

    What element(s) are you building or installing this week? - 2022

    Got everything up yesterday and had a test run with everything working. Should be good to go next weekend.
  2. W

    Audio problem

    What model is it?
  3. W

    Audio problem

    I think i might have @shawnd i set the transmitter to low power and adjusted the channel range. It now seems to be working ok. Must have been some sort of interference like the guys mentioned above.
  4. W

    Audio problem

    Will try that, it's only a couple of metres at the moment.
  5. W

    Audio problem

    Yeah not a bad idea but i've just found that if i plug headphones into the sounblaster it is selectable and plays fine but seems to be if my FM transmitter is plugged in it's causing problems. I've also just tried the FM transmitter with audio output from my computer and it's working perfect...
  6. W

    Audio problem

    Chasing a problem with my Beaglebone audio that i'm outputting through a USB soundblaster device. If i go and set the audio device from dummy to the soundblaster i need to do a reboot of FPP which is normal but when it boots back up the audio device reverts to dummy and the soundblaster is no...
  7. W

    Drones next year anyone???

    That's pretty cool i must say.
  8. W

    Chromatrim to PVC pipe

    Doing mine like this right now using 25mm conduit.
  9. W

    Multiple channels or one?

    Yeah that was my thought on splitting it up in case i loose something atleast half will still run. At 2 inch spacing would be roughly 300 pixels i'd say.
  10. W

    Multiple channels or one?

    Last year i ran my show on one of Alan's RPI-28D+ and used both channels for roughly half of the display each with all the props in series with the data and it worked well. This year i've moved to one of Alan's HE-123 MK2 16 channel boards with the plan to run each section of props on their own...
  11. W

    What element(s) are you building or installing this week? - 2022

    Built a jig to start drilling 25mm conduit to upgrade from strips to pixels for my gutters and windows this year. Got the HoHoHos with it constantly going off centre so ordered some chromatrim instead 🤣🤣
  12. W

    Falcon PiCap + Raspberry P 3B + FPP not working

    Have you tried both ports? Also are you sure the pixels are actually good?
  13. W

    Power Injection testing using multiple PSU's

    I've been curious as to why people never connect positives as i could never see the problem in doing it. In my opinion it's no different than two batteries in parallel.
  14. W

    First year

    Managed to get the gutters, garage and one window up today, should get the rest up tomorrow hopefully.
  15. W

    VERY beginner, information for PSU for electrician

    Don't forget the 2A fuse on the positive supply aswell for the RPI-28D+.