Canberra/ACT 2012 Canberra Meet and Greet - 17th March

Boat show -vs CLAP

Happy to have you arrive when you can, remind me later and i can PM everyone a contact number they can use to check in if needed.

phil i will be there about 3pm spoke to boss today and i can leave the boat show at 12. so happy days.

look forward to meeting you all.
Hi all.

I have officially cleared this with the better half so....

I extend an invitation to all Attendees to social drinks and discussions on Friday Evening from 7PM onwards (till late).
If I can get away early from work or even have the day off we may move this time earlier.

One option for food is to get some Pizzas delivered.

AussiePhil said:
Hi all.

I have officially cleared this with the better half so....

I extend an invitation to all Attendees to social drinks and discussions on Friday Evening from 7PM onwards (till late).
If I can get away early from work or even have the day off we may move this time earlier.

One option for food is to get some Pizzas delivered.


Is this just for the Friday night or Saturday night as well because i think many of us wont be there until Saturday for a Saturday night stayover before limping back home

Mmmmm Pizza
Eddy and others wondering.

Saturday Evening drinks and social gathering is definately on and I hope that as many as possible can stay and enjoy a pleasant fun evening.

Besides, we can then really show of some lights when it gets dark :)

AussiePhil said:
Eddy and others wondering.

Saturday Evening drinks and social gathering is definately on and I hope that as many as possible can stay and enjoy a pleasant fun evening.

Besides, we can then really show of some lights when it gets dark :)


So that must mean that Friday night is light drinks so you are not too seedy for the big day and evening
We will have no sympathy ;)
I will speak to OC Homefront and see if she would mind me going away for the weekend. (I mean, i am on holidays anyway) But being that i have been away for 4 months recently, she may reset that thumbprint atop my head. Steve, If Im going, I will jump onboard with you. (I made all my km this financial year for my lease)


Wife said "Go if you have to" (with a very condesending tone.)

So i guess I wont be venturing down there.
Have booked accomodation and will be in Canberra sometime Friday. Thanks Phil. Will bring some slices for either morning tea or sweets.
I am on the maybe list at this point Phil, I have the go ahead from the boss at home, now just waiting on the ok from the boss at work to get the time off.

Parking: As per the image below i can fit quite a few cars in and around, parking on the nature strip is ok as long as you don't block the actual footpath.

Parking on the road is fine, the road is wide enough but can be busy.


I can be contacted on zero-four-one-seven-four-one-three-two-zero-seven
