Canberra/ACT 2012 Canberra Meet and Greet - 17th March

Glad the weather looked great. Thanks for sharing some on webcam, made for an interesting Friday night here on chat. :)
Still missing 1 name. From left to right we have:
indudio (James), g.Hain (Glenn), Aussiephil (Phil), LithgowLights (David), Charltonmick (Michael), Grahami2006 (Graham), Joekin (Joe), aussiexmas (Geoff), Superman (Steve), talktocoxie (Mark), Yagoona_Lights (Ben), Fasteddy (Eddy)
First unknown is me James (indudio).

Thanks for a great day! Wishing I had an unlimted budget now!
I would like to thank Phil for hosting a great day/evening for the Canberra meet and greet. you know you have had a good time when you look at the clock and its nearly 6pm and you think its closer to 3pm. Thanks again Phil it was a fantastic day and as always is more than worth the effort to get together as we all walk away learning something
On behalf of the "Mini" Invaders from Qld, we would also like to to extend a Thank-you to Phil for hosting this meet and Greet.
It sure made for a bit more conversation for the 14 hour drive home, But we all agreed it was worth the effort.
