Melbourne/Vic 2014 - Melbourne Mini - 17th to 18th of May

hi to all if in melbourne i will be there both days and if need catering let me know my wife works in the feild
bjpc2716 said:
hi to all if in melbourne i will be there both days and if need catering let me know my wife works in the feild
for the last 2 we have just had a BBQ but catering may be an option, provided the cost can be kept down.
biggest problem will be nailing down the final numbers.
BBQ is easy. Send someone out on buying mission with the cash from those that did show up. Theres a supermarket pretty nearby.

Plus Suggest that Sat night, you can go out for Dinner, options galore in Melbourne from very cheap to uber expensive.
I'm also planning to drag the wife along for bits of it, but she is probably going to take my daughter to collingwood childrens farm which is right around the corner, so if you are a family person it might be an opportunity for the ministers of finance to whinge about our obsessions and kids to have some fun.
We have done Subway catering and BBQ in the past. Subway needs to be booked in advance, so confirming rough numbers is important if you do that. Mostly no one wants to miss anything on the day to do a buying trip though.
tuppet said:
We have done Subway catering and BBQ in the past. Subway needs to be booked in advance, so confirming rough numbers is important if you do that. Mostly no one wants to miss anything on the day to do a buying trip though.

Maybe we can get tuppetsbrother on teh BBQ. I hear hes pretty much a gun at it.

Last year , an email was sent out to the members (via this forum) about the Melbourne Mini , which was how I found out about it.

Perhaps if the same can be done with the dates of all 3 mini's.

I am not sure how some of you managed to seeand respond to this post -I still have numerous unread posts l ::)

I'm happy to put myself forward to do a presentation/demonstration for Vixen3.

30min to an hour tops i'd think, depending on how many questions get asked.

The current list of attendees for the Melb mini is as below. At the moment there is no agenda as the original organiser (caffeine) has gone temporarily MIA. A proposed agenda from last year or the year before was

- Explore a show (or two). breakdown of lights/boards required for results
- Planning a show - starting from nothing/converting from static to pc controlled
- Introduction to electronics and how it applies to lights. Watts, volts, current and heat
- Comparison/explanation of the different networks used for controlling lights. E1.31, dmx, pixel, lor
- Hooking things up - a sample of boards and where they fit in the grand scheme of Christmas lights
- Introduction to DMX - start address, wiring
- Introduction to E1.31, Pixels and E1.31 to pixel boards
- Introduction to LOR
- sequencing: LSP
- sequencing: Vixen
- hands on sequencing of lsp, lor, vixen. Also P2, P12, DR4 etc setup
- Display marketing - how do you draw in more visitors? (general discussion). maybe including signage, radio tx and licence
- Discussion about Chinese suppliers/ebay suppliers/big W etc. Covering what to specify for custom orders

If there is more info that is wanted, if you want to or can talk about a specific item then shout out in here and for the moment I will do a bit of the organising.

It is well worth attending for the novice right through to the expert. A few hours at a mini is worth days of trawling the net after information.

Qiang Fu Kiwi
Caffeine has gone MIA on the forum of late so for the time being I will step up and organise who is doing what and when. As such I will need people to step up and put their hands up if there is something they can or want to talk on.
I'm happy enough to talk on a few topics but at this stage I'm only going to head down on the Saturday but that may change depending on what is on offer for the Sunday.
My only hope is that someone can step up and do a talk on how to run LOR/LSP/xlights sequences on a Pi via the Falcon Pi Pl software. If no-one steps up I will watch a few vids and see if I can learn. I'll mass mail everyone on the list of attendees to attract anyone who is willing to step up and talk. I'll also mail anyone who has attended in the last few years in the hopes that they will attend and/or speak.
I'm planning on coming, depends on work, which I won't know until mid April.

I don't really know I am any good at any particular topic to stick my hand up, happy to assist others. I haven't even played with the software since my poor display last Christmas....

I guess I'd better through my hat in the ring for LSP & NC should have somehting together by then
If anyone has any special dietary needs they'd better let me know.
Diabetic, gluten free, allergies, vegetarian etc.
Most attendees of Melb and Adelaide know that my dieatary requirement is copious quantities of Coke Zero but I'll need to know of any others.