24V LED Floodlight (48 x 5050 RGB LEDs)

I'd been keen to see what you can offer these at David. I've just built my first two rainbow floods which was a lot of fun but I might wait to check yours out before I get any more from SE.
deffintly in for 6 to 10 of them if board/BOM are reasonable. Can't stand my Rainbows, burned up :mad: 3 out of 6 so far. 2 from user error, 1 just had a melt down ??? I use them 365 days a year on landscaping lighting
This version is 24V (or a little higher) only. A 12V version could be done with some pokery jiggery. Maybe even selectable 12V/24V, but we'll leave that until I get the first one back.
David_AVD said:
This version is 24V (or a little higher) only. A 12V version could be done with some pokery jiggery. Maybe even selectable 12V/24V, but we'll leave that until I get the first one back.

Oh, Pokery Jiggery. Love it when you get all technical

I'll certainly be interested in a few myself. Have been speaking to my new next door neighbour, and he's happy to get his house involved with the show - and given their house is basically a big white box, it should be perfect for a bunch of rgb floods.
(here's a link to a photo of next door: http://images.domain.com.au/img/2011623/14609/2009075615_1_FS.JPG)
How soon can you get us a completed one David?, Just for seeing how they go in real life.
Phil - yes 160mA per colour. Have given it a quick test to confirm CC works in the 21.8V to 32V range. Have not run for long enough to gauge heat dissipation in the CC regulators.
First picture is ambient light from the light pole out the front. Others are each colour by itself. I think the camera makes the colour look more saturated than it really it. That said, it was quite reasonable in brightness. The garage doors are primrose (cream) in colour.

davidavd 24v led floodlight Off with streetlight.jpg davidavd 24v led floodlight RGB Red.jpg davidavd 24v led floodlight RGB Green.jpg davidavd 24v led floodlight RGB Blue.jpg
Matt said:
ohh very nice indeed. 24v the only version of this?

I went with 24V to keep the current (cable losses) down and reduce heat in the constant current regulators. That said, I need to change the design a little as they run too hot for my liking.
i really wish you would stop designing and making things, i think i have already pre-spent my next 5 years worth of budget just because of you.

AS for heat, im guessing that the floods for a display would only be on for a few seconds at a time.. but thats probably just my thoughts