5050RGB with built in WS2811

Not sure if you realize this but they are the components only. there not mounted to strip.
I agree if there was a panel that could be made up to link together it would make an awesome matrix.
These sound like they could well be used for a new ACL bulk buy strip for 2013
ѕυρєямαη said:
Not sure if you realize this but they are the components only. there not mounted to strip.
I agree if there was a panel that could be made up to link together it would make an awesome matrix.

Ah crap - that explains the tractor feed on them then!

But there is these too... http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/BLACK-PCB-5m-WS2811-LED-digital-strip-30leds-m-with-30pcs-WS2811-built-in-the-5050/701799_684974109.html ...which would probably still look pretty tight from a distance

EDIT: or this 60led/m version http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/4m-WS2811-LED-digital-strip-60leds-m-with-60pcs-WS2811-built-in-the-5050-smd-rgb/701799_638374848.html
yeah thats the one im looking at getting 3 lots for a matrix for next year eddy. (thanks to steve)
yea i would like to make matrix too but i thing the controler/sequencing would be hard !!! do they sell stuff like the comercial one that you just type in and the letter scroll ??
For our hobby we just use a sequencer (like Light Show Pro) to control matrices. The sequencer has the functionality to do scrolling text.