A Big Thank You & a Merry Christmas


It's so much better on the dark side
Jun 10, 2010
This is a community of many members, some only pop in to ask questions or read the forums, but none of this would be possible without the hard work of the mods, Eddy and Steve, Admin Ryan and developers like David and Ed that keep the tech ideas coming and of course the ever reliable core group of Chat regulars, which I'm not going to go through as I will miss someone, they are always around to answer question and forum posts.

Without these people we would not be able produce such amazing displays that are able to bring so much joy so many people.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas
I would also like to say thankyou to everyone here at ACL. You all put in a great effort and thanks for being there when we need you.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Busy New Year.
yes thank you to all the people that make this forum possible. also thanks to everyone in the chat room my wife says your like my 2nd family ( In a good way) it is great to see all the hard work has paid off in all the videos i have seen on this site from everyone. Also would like to take this chance and thank all those who are happy to share the wealth of knowledge. Merry christams to you all and your families ( specially the Christmas light widows) for putting up with us spending alot of time lighting up our homes

Merry Christams from yagoona lights AKA Ben
Thanks for the kind words Beacy. :)

I've noticed of late that more members are helping newbies (in chat and the forum) using the info they've leant along the way. Top stuff. :D


David_AVD said:
I've noticed of late that more members are helping newbies (in chat and the forum) using the info they've leant along the way. Top stuff. :D

Ive noticed this as well and is exactly what i hoped for as sharing knowledge between members and having newer members be able to help is the strength behind any great forum and I believe ACL is going from strength to strength.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas eve and hopefully your Christmas day will be as good.

Cheers and Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas guys. Thanks for the help over the last 3 months, it wouldn't have been possible without you. I look forward to the New Year and my new found friends at ACL.
A very Merry Christmas to everyone, thanks for the fun and excitement, looking forward to another blinky blink year with new ideas and projects. And a special thanks to the people that make this forum happen....
All the best for the New Year.

Beacy said:
none of this would be possible without the hard work of the mods, Eddy and Steve, Admin Ryan and developers like David and Ed that keep the tech ideas coming and of course the ever reliable core group of Chat regulars,

Without these people we would not be able produce such amazing displays that are able to bring so much joy so many people.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas

That kinda says it all .. so DITTO

Look forward to the new year, new displays and new ideas.
Thanks Everyone and Merry Christmas
A very BIG Merry Christmas and a very BIG Thank you to all the members who participate in the chat and forum.
If it was not for a large group of very friendly people we may not have the displays we have and not receive the smiles and comments from the passers by we all have every night.
I have spent every night out the front of my display this year with my family and have passed on as much info that I can to get other people interested in our great hobby, the ability to tell people about this forum will make our hobby grow bigger and bigger each year.
I am sure we will all see more and more new members take advantage of the great expertise we have on this site, teaching all the others means we will all be able to pass on the information for years to come.
Thank you to All
Merry Christmas everyone, I can see we are going to a few new faces in chat this year as the infection spreads. This Forum has become a great place for information and ideas and I am pleased to be a part of it.
Todays Newbie is Tomorrows expert and some members have proved that this year.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and look forward to doing it all again next year.
Life gets very busy at this time of the year,
and this is the first opportunity away from all the celebrations to wish everyone a merry Christmas and hope you all had a great time with your family's.
I want to also say a special thanks to everyone who has help me with my first Christmas display this year.
Going from having no idea at all to being able to get things up and working would not have been possible with the everyones help. Thank you all so much.
The joy it has brought to my family and friends and complete strangers that have left gifts of appreciation is something that has made this Christmas very special.

Have a Happy and Safe New Years everyone!