anyone else having Tapatalk trouble

And yesterday Tapatalk on my phone upgraded itself and now does not work at all on any forum.
I am still having issues with Tapatalk both on iPad and iPhone. Neither version will let me log in, but I can view the forum. Anyone else still having issues?
Any resolution to this problem yet? I cant access via my phone or tablet still.....

We're no further closer to a fix, unfortunately. It is really difficult to fix as I can't reproduce the errors on the devices I have access to.

I'd please ask anyone who uses Tapatalk, working or not, to post some details about your device and tapatalk version.

To make it easy to compare results I'd ask for you to try to format your post as I've done below:

Device OS: Android 2.3.6
Device name/model: I9000 - Samsung Galaxy S

Tapatalk app version: 2.4.3 (on Android, locating the Tapatalk APK file ought to tell you this)
Are you running the PRO/HD version of Tapatalk: NO

Can you access AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk (as a guest): YES
Can you login to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: YES
Can you post to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: YES
Device OS: IOS 7.0.6 (11B651)
Device name/model: Iphone 4S - 8G - MF263X/ATapatalk
app version: 2.5.2
Are you running the PRO/HD version of Tapatalk: NO
Can you access AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk (as a guest): YES
Can you login to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO
Can you post to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO
Device OS: Android 4.2.2 Device name/model: HTC One X+ app version: 4.4.8
Are you running the PRO/HD version of Tapatalk: NO
Can you access AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk (as a guest): YES
Can you login to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO
Can you post to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO
Device OS: Adroid 4.3
Device name/model: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
app version: tapatalk 4.4.8 Free
Are you running the PRO/HD version of Tapatalk: No
Can you access AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk (as a guest): YES
Can you login to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO
Can you post to AusChristmasLighting via Tapatalk: NO

So looks like at least I can view the posts, If i want to post via tapatalk then im going to have crack open the piggy bank and pay a whopping $3.29 :D