Big W Lights for 2012 have appeared.

Looking promising, the plastic containers will certainly be useful for storage and very 'light' water or dust proofing.

Hopefully all the stores have plenty of stock on Boxing Day! I'll be there at open :)
ecbailey said:
Hopefully all the stores have plenty of stock on Boxing Day! I'll be there at open :)

My experience with Big W has been that they start reducing prices & clearing stock in the week leading up to Christmas and that by Boxing day there is virtually nothing left.

Thanks to Penguineer for posting the other colour comparisons and spotting the warm white 160 sets. At my store so far, the 160s were only in multis.
penguineer said:
I had a look at the planogram for the Underwood BigW and didn't see any green - shelves looked fully(or nearly) stocked.
There appears to be NO green! :'( Both Strathpine & Chermside had none. I asked a guy at Chermside and he went off and checked and confirmed this fear :(

This really screws the R/G/B strings up now!
Driver said:
penguineer said:
I had a look at the planogram for the Underwood BigW and didn't see any green - shelves looked fully(or nearly) stocked.
There appears to be NO green! :'( Both Strathpine & Chermside had none. I asked a guy at Chermside and he went off and checked and confirmed this fear :(

This really screws the R/G/B strings up now!

Yet there are green LEDs in the multicoloured strings they have :mad:

I was hanging out for a few more green strings this year.....

The stores I have been to still do not have all of the lights on the shelves.

I am looking for new icicle lights this year and they do not have them out, although there is a spot on the empty shelves for them.

Has anyone purchased the icicles yet ?

I just got a visit from my parents who dropped in to give me my birthday present. A set of lights. I wonder how they knew what to get? Anyway, it's a set of 600 LED string lights from K-Mart. They actually seem better than the Big W ones. For starters, there's a light every 5cm as opposed to every 10cm on the Big W ones. It's a 30m string but the lead wire is only 5m. It's green wire not clear like Big W lights. They use the same 3 pin connector as the Big W ones and are listed on the box as 31v DC.

I haven't looked at K-Mart lights before. Do these sound similar to last year and are they any better or worse than the Big W strings?
We went on a 5hr round trip to Bunnings, BigW and Kmart today ... nothing in BigW, some stuff in Kmart (no lights) and a heap of lighting stuff in Bunnings, which I didn't need or want. However, I did get other really great stuff from there though ...

Better luck next week, I suppose ...

What I need is from BigW 4 x red, 4 x blue and 4 x green + 4 x wht from Kmart ...
I tried spray paintng some white LED's this afternoon...

Whilst the colour isn't too bad - it's lacking brightness now - so think I'll try it again with a light green paint and with a much more gentle spray.
Or I might just have to bite the bullet & buy the 100 LED green packs from Bunnings at double the price.
I visited the Modbury, SA Big W and there is no green strings or rope light. There was a little shelf space left to fill but I didn't see any tickets which said "green" on them.

Here are some box/container shots to better assist with your CLAP expenditure 8) . Refer to the photos for string length, etc.

600 bulb string. Multi-colour/White/Blue
2012-09-30 13.38.57 s.jpg

200 bulb string starter. Multi-colour/White/Blue/Red/Pink
2012-09-30 13.36.42 s.jpg

100 bulb string extension. Multi-colour/White/Blue, possible Red/Pink too?
2012-09-30 13.40.12 s.jpg

200 bulb icicle starter. Multi-colour/White/Blue
2012-09-30 13.38.26 s.jpg

100 bulb icicle extension. Multi-colour/White/Blue
2012-09-30 13.41.15 s.jpg
Re the green lights - I actually asked at a third store on Friday afternoon and this time the woman on the front counter had a real good look through their computer terminal, called manager, etc, to no luck. She seemed to think that if it's not on their system now, it won't be something they'll be stocking this year.
There is a glass colour paint that people use for lead lighting.
It is quite transparent and does not block too much of the light.

This could be a good option for colouring clear LEDs

Hope this helps
Looks like the BigW Icicle lights do not have the snowing function (up/down) again this year, just the cascading (along the string) flashing.
That is a shame.

My local BigW still did not have the icicles on the shelves yet, will have to look again this week.

Good times ahead :)

Driver said:
penguineer said:
I had a look at the planogram for the Underwood BigW and didn't see any green - shelves looked fully(or nearly) stocked.
There appears to be NO green! :'( Both Strathpine & Chermside had none. I asked a guy at Chermside and he went off and checked and confirmed this fear :(

This really screws the R/G/B strings up now!

Driver if you want green, go to bunnings they have 100 strings of green