Bulk Buy The Door Decor

Can you tell me who they are. I would be keen on $400 compared to the quote i got.
I am going to go with the US one. When it works out, it is cheaper. The local one does not come with any attachments or mounts etc. It was just a ball park figure and I would expect it to be more around the $550-600 mark when I give him the full picture of everything that I need to have for it.
did a costing tonight.. $341us including postage. At current rates that is about $440aus to get made and posted to NSW.
It appears to be good quality and the colours are a stand out. I will have it at the Sydney mini...
Thanks Hammo. The minister for home finance has approved the purchase of the Red and Gold Ornaments front door kit in next month's budget forecast. I didn't know in February what I wanted for my birthday. Now I do