Connect TigerDMX48 Board


Minister of Silly Walks
May 9, 2010
Toowoomba, Australia
Hi Guys,
See this is what happens when you take a break from your hobby for 9 or so months - you forget or stuff breaks.
Ok I have 2 TigerDMX48s which I'd like to use for my mega tree and etc. I at least used one last year no problems, so I know at some point I had everything hooked up fine and working. With the show computer dead (HD failure) I can't see how I set up Vixen or just simply test from a known working state.
I've installed my Lynx dongle ok, both lights are on. When I connect a cat 5 cable to the Tiger, there are no lights appearing on the Tiger. Vixen had a brain fart too and shut down. Had a search around for the past hour and a half for destructions on what to do and found very little on this board, so I'm guessing someone must have talked me through it last year (?). Seems like the Tiger just came out and that was it.
What I thought I did last year hasn't worked. Would someone be willing to just jot a quick step by step process of how to connect a TigerDMX48?
Hi toodle_pipsky,

I have found this to be a handy tool for checking cables, controllers and SSRs, you can easily set up your dongle comm port and set the channel tests. If your not sure what the start address for the controller was just select all to make sure it is connecting and then work your way through using 1 or 16 at a time.

One thing to check is that the PC is seeing the dongle when you plug it into the USB port, I am using Vista and I didn't have to download any drivers for the dongle.

Kev :)
Thanks for the info. :)
I can see the dongle, it's com 3 for me. On a side note I'm using XP for the show comp, might try it on another comp.
Tried another computer and the dongle installed just fine and still nothing.

I'm obviously missing something with the Tiger board itself. Does anyone have a spare second to just jot a list that says "Dummy plug thing here, other thing there and you're done"? That's all I need. :)
No lights coming on is your first problem. Have you checked that the fuses are installed and good? Is voltage even getting to the board ?
Thanks for that David - voltage wasn't getting to the board. I tried a different cable and lights came on. Checked the original cable and couldn't find why it wasn't working but have chucked it anyway.
No problem Ingrid. Always pays to check the simple things first. :)

My basic rule is never assume anything. A skipped diagnostic step will come back to bite you all too often.