Convert Vixen 2.1 to XLights sequence

Ted Weist

New elf
Apr 26, 2019
This may be a dumb question, but I am trying to convert a simple 32 channel sequence from Vixen 2.1 to XLights.
I have both profiles setup exactly the same and when I use the convert tool, the file imports correctly and I can see the results in XLights
The problem is, when I save the file it erases all of the import and I can no longer see the sequence data on the screen.

Any idea how to make this work?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
Which version of xLights are you using? There’s a known bug in the latest one (23.05) that might cause something like this.
I am using an older version, 2020.26. I have also tried it with the most current version and I get the same result.
It is the strangest thing I have seen with XLights.
I am trying to convert all of my Vixen 2.1 sequences to XLights for this coming year. I really didn't want recreate all of the sequences over.
You know what I mean.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I wonder if I converted the Vixen 2.1 files to Vixen 3 files and then over to XLights. Maybe that would work.
Seems like a lot of work, but if that does the trick, that may be what it needs
It is likely coming in as a data layer. You will need to drill down to the nodes to see the data. From there you can convert the data to effects if you want.
I tried that. In the initial conversion, I am able to drill down and see the data perfectly. The problem is when I save the file in XLights, all of the data is no longer visible. It's the strangest thing.
I will try to take some screen shots and show you
So, I converted my Vixen 2 files over to xLights back in 2020, and what you're saying sounds familiar, but I can't for the life of me remember how I got past it. That was my first year running pixels, so I did a lot and learned a lot, and apparently not everything stuck. I'm not sure if it helps, but I can at least confirm that it is possible.
Step 1. Ensured Vixen 2.1 sequence is good.
Step 1 Vixen 2_1 Seq.jpg

Step 2. Open XLights 2020.26 and convert Vixen 2.1 sequence into fseq

Step 2 Convert tool.jpg

Step 3. Open XLights newly converted file and verify data is correct
Step 3 Open Converted file.jpg

Step 4. Save newly converted file as xsq file
Step 4 Save file as xsq.jpg

Step 5. Open newly created xsq file. All data is gone.
Step 5 open newly created xsq file.jpg

Like I said. Very strange.
I assume you looked back and forth, but note that the time range in your two screen shots is very different.

If that's not it, can you tell me where the artifacts to reproduce it can be found?
Create a new sequence and then "Import Effects" and select the vixen file. That would import that data as effects that can be manipulated.
That was the trick. It works perfectly now and I am able to save the sequence in XLights and reopen it with all the data still present.
I did not know you could import vixen files like that.

Thank you all for the help. I knew I was doing something dumb.

This is going to save me a lot of time.
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