DD-100 & 2801 RGB Pixels PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!


New elf
Oct 19, 2012
Hello Guys!!

My name is Larry and i came across your awesome forum while searching for info about the 2801 RGB Pixels. Im not quite using mine for the same reasons as you guys but the ideal is almost the same. Im trying to design a led dance floor and havent been able to find very much out and have quickly became lost...

I currently have 3 50x2801 rgb pixels and a DD-100 dmx decoder hooked up a aDJ myDMX usb-to-DMX (will this work) I cant get the light todo anything .. i read that when hooked up without dmx signal it pays a default light show. But mine just lights up white with a few random colors. Im also not able to see the leds inside of any dmx contol software so im quite lost.

If you quys could be of any help i would forever be in for debt

Thanks for reading!

Sounds like you may be suffering from a degraded signal. How far away is the controller from the first pixel?

The other thing to be aware of is that you actually are supplying to the input side instead of the output whch can be an easy mistake to make.

What are you using 2801 strip or pixels or modules

I know with some of the 2801 strip the data and clock signals are marked incorrectly and mixed around.

A bit more info on the physical layout may help us further.
2801 50x pixels they have 4 colors.


The ddp-100 dmx decoder has


I trying to follow this website https://sites.google.com/site/njstreetchristmas/Home/how-to-1/protocol-converters

But its making me beyond confused i don't know if im reading something wrong or what ..

What should each wire be hooked to on the leds?
One of the things you learn to ignore with most cheap pixel suppliers is color of the wires - My last lot ahd the wires totally reversed along the string - red was 0V, blue 5V, but on the end pixel they reversed them to the proper way.

Look on the strip or pixel for any writing and use that as your guide for in or out, power and clock/data.
do you know which wires are the clock and data on the ddp-100?
lithgowlights said:
Sorry I dont as I have never used one.

ahh , thanks anyways my friend!

I have tied a few different combo of wires but im still unable to get it to display anything but white ... i do get a few random colors and one flashing led near the start of the string.
led pixel dmx decoder

blue <connected to> red
green <connected to> blue
white <connected to> black connected on both sides of the dmx decoder
red <connected to> 12+ from pc computer connected on both sides of the decoder
<green wire not used>

tried this which is what i believe to be right as displayed on the website for the led lights but i get the same results as before even if i switch the clock and data .. or what i think might be clock and data
Can you take a photo of the controller, im just wondering if its a pixel controller or a 3 channel DC controller, both look the same except for the details on the controller. the wiring coming from the DD controller has me concerned that it may not actually be a pixel controller that you have.
I have a DDP-100 controller in front of me and from the label on the controller and from experience:

on the DMX side
Green is DMX + out. Goes to your next DMX device or not used
Grey is DMX - out. Goes to your DMX device or not used
White is DMX - In
Yellow is DMX + In
Red is 8 to 24v DC in
Black is ground

On the other side of the module there is 3 wires and this is where you connect your pixels
White is clock.
Blue is data
Black is ground
There is no connection for power to the pixels on the controller, you supply this directly to the pixel string with the ground wire connected to the ground on the pixel string and hence back to the controller.
I will check this when I get home but it looks like a simple RGB decoder rather than pixels, even though it says 2801 on the label
JPB said:
I will check this when I get home but it looks like a simple RGB decoder rather than pixels, even though it says 2801 on the label

it say's 2801 which is the type of led im using ... I got the ideal from this site https://sites.google.com/site/njstreetchristmas/Home/how-to-1/protocol-converters the guy listed the website he bought from so i just clicked on his link and ordered what he used.

I tried to follow his wiring but was not able to understand it without the use of pigtails.

Thanks for everyones help!!
This is what I had expected, it is not a pixel controller, it is a 3 channel DC controller, hopefully you havent put +V down the data , ground or clock or else you may have caused some damage to the pixels. luckily if it is wired that way then all you have done is put a ground reference to the data and clock and hopefully they will be OK.