Digital radio transmission (DAB+)

Jai Mcelroy

new elf
Jun 24, 2018
Chandlers Hill
Hi i`m wanting to transmit both digital and analog signals for transmitting over radio, I am currently transmitting only analog signals but cars with digital radios are not able to pick this up any suggestions? .
Does this transmit both analog and digital? or do i need two transmitters if so any suggestions for a transmitter i had trouble finding an analog transmitter last year let alone a digital one.
I'd say you'd need 2 transmitters, one FM and one DAB+ I've never heard of anyone here doing DAB+ transmission.
well newer cars like 2017+ I think use a scan like function to find stations on the cars I had people come around from my work, to look at my lights and they could not pick up the signal but any older generation car can pick up the signal for 200-250 meters, i made an assumption that the car radios were digital and thats why they couldn`t pick up the signal only just starting on this topic at uni digital electronics so im pretty inexperienced with it ....... but other then that my lights went really well last year.
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Transmitting Digital radio is not going to be your friend. Digital radios introduce a slight delay, if you had a digital radio next to an analog radio you would noticeably hear the timing difference between the 2, this is further exacerbated by the fact that each digital radio will have or can have a different delay, as such your lovely display that you so meticulously got to line up with the audio will now be so far out of sync that it won't make much sense.

As someone who has a newer car with digital radio in it, I can tell you that it also has analog radio you just have to select analog radio and not digital radio in order to find anything on analog.
Also, you'll find that many radios these days will only tune to 'real' frequencies but your tx can do any frequency. Make sure you are using a valid frequency.
I think you are confusing the scan function on their car radio to being DAB, as far as I know all new cars with DAB still have normal analogue radio as well, I have it and don't use it as it is unreliable & Most radio stations are still analogue.
the fact they are scanning and its not stopping on the desired channel is most likely due to a weak signal as the radio system needs a certain signal strength to stop at that channel.
There is still always a way to manually tune or stop to the channel you have set, Usually a setting to turn scan off or sometimes you hold down the tune button, depending on the car make / Model, if they manually tune to your station you will find that you have no issues.
I agree with Kitman - there'll definitely be a transmission delay - which will make it an expensive waste of time.

My car can does DAB and normal FM too.

But explaining how to tune a car radio - let alone a new one.... good luck! :D
Will be a challenge for someone to 'go digital' with their lights broadcast.... they'd have to give their analog FM transmissions the boot, and change all timings on their sequences to line up.

Problem is that I believe some DAB+ receivers don't decode the signal at the same rate/timeframe as other DAB+ receivers do, which means lots of issues. :(