Dmx output not working?

toodle_pipsky said:
toodle_pipsky said:
Also my com port is 3, so unfortunately that's not the problem.

Thanks Eddy - as I said, com port 3 so that's not it (dang, wish it was!).

I should pay a bit more closer attention to what has been written :-[

Have you got the latest version of LSP. Make sure you uninstall then reinstall the new version, dont install over the top. But i would check to see what version you are running and compare that to the latetest release.
I purchased a new dongle from AVD (thank you very much David for your super fast service) to eliminate a problem with my existing dongle and plugged it in. I now get constant flickering.
A few things, do I need to recrimp my Cat5 cable as it's one of my old ones that's just a straight through so it becomes a "proper" cable (prolly doesn't hurt to eliminate it right)? Second LSP still insists on wanting to set up a zone as a Pro dongle - is that right? (Tried Open but it doesn't like it). And I've tried plugging in to the two different outputs but no change, I assume though it's meant to be the one marked "DMX"?
Thanks heaps.
The 2 outputs are paralleled and either can be used. It's possible if you need to branch out in 2 directions that you can use both but a jumper on the pcb (inside the case) needs to be removed.
A dodgy cable is always a chance.

As for wanting to configure as a pro dongle, in LSP check that all your controllers are set up as open dmx and that you dont have a controller setup as a pro dongle in the controller properties.

And have you got a 120 ohm terminating resistor at the end of the dmx circuit.
Ok, crimped new cable so T-568B standard. Went through all controllers and made sure they are Open in LSP.
Still get the wild flicker when idle. But the flicker seems to only be in the Tiger boards when idle. When I run a sequence in Vixen, the flickering is still there but the sequence seems to run over the top of it and the other DMX boards have the occational flicker in it too. As for LSP it won't let me play a sequence says "There was a problem initialising a sequence output device. Please check the output configuration" and then that gets stuck in a loop of wanting to continuously configure. David's is the only dongle I have plugged in so I'm not mixing anything up.
When I plug in the little tester that I made the other day there are no lights on. As soon as I run a sequence in Vixen the lights flicker then go off when the sequence stops. Can't do anything in LSP.
By any chance do you have a burnt out channel on one of your tigers. I had this issue with a tiger board last year which had a burnt channel as these are not optically isolated like what you see with the AVD boards.

Because you have an AVD dongle with 2 outputs then you may want to try and seperate the offending controller on a seperate network and see how it goes by itself.
Funny you should mention that . . . . . One of the Tigers does have a channel that is ON all the time (channel 3 I think). It's the first in the DMX chain, so will I have to readdress the boards to remove it?
toodle_pipsky said:
Funny you should mention that . . . . . One of the Tigers does have a channel that is ON all the time (channel 3 I think). It's the first in the DMX chain, so will I have to readdress the boards to remove it?

No you shouldnt need to. Remove it first and see if that stops the others from flickering, if so then try it on its own network, if it still flickers then you will have to either repair or remove the offending FET for channel 3 as its most probaly that which is causing your network interferance as the tiger is not optically isolated from the rest of the network and as such will pass on that interferance to other controllers on the network.
Thanks for that tip Eddy - removing the "damaged" board stopped the flickering. Unfortunately the board swap (we took the damaged Tiger out altogether) took too long, so we had to get the show under way. We might just be on a winner here. :) thanks guys.
I don't quite understand why taking the damaged Tiger board out made a difference to the rest of the system, but I now recall another person (or two) saying something similar last season.