Don't think I'll ever get my sequences done in time ?!?


New elf
Jan 14, 2012
*Start of rant*

I'm almost at the point of giving up.

I have been going for a month or two working out how to use LSP and still don't understand it fully o_O; I was working on my stuff at work but now they have banned taking "Personal IT devices" I just don't get time to get any more then few more seconds of sequencing done on my days off.

I'm at to the stage of packing the whole thing in and starting again next year. I have still so much to do. The two song I have done look terrible. I think I have too much going on at once. I just can't get the timing thing down at all. Hmm, maybe I'm just over thinking things. Maybe I just need a break from the endless staring at my laptop screen.

I would like at least 5 songs but with about 3 months left before I have to start setting up I think that is going to be almost impossible. I've searched the internet to find RGB sequences but I'm yet to find any for LSP and any importing I do with other stuff turns to the colour white when copy and pasted.

*deep breath* Maybe I should just start again and don't worry about making it flash to the music. *sigh* I have 3 months.......I'm sure I can do it unless you guys wanna do it for me !!!

*End of rant*
Sounds like a trip out west might be called for (or you doing a trip East) :D

Seriously, relax, look at the small things, sequence in parts, listening to the music and dont try to do too much at once
aussiexmas aka Geoff dind't fully synch his display to music until 2011 ... prior to that he was just doing animations ... and realistically, I think, that is the way to go ...
This is my first year and I am only counting on getting one song done :)

I figure people are going to be impressed and the kids are going to love it no matter what.
Wolfiee i agree with lithgow just take your time and break it down you will get there. many people here to help with lsp. it was hard for me when first looking at it but with help from the guys here i have sequenced a few songs now. keep it simple then expand from there
kel said:
aussiexmas aka Geoff dind't fully synch his display to music until 2011 ... prior to that he was just doing animations ... and realistically, I think, that is the way to go ...
As Kel noted above, it took me several years before I managed to synchronize lights and music. Every year I would add new lights and assign new channels which always left me with no time after the setup was finished to do sequencing. Instead, what I did was to create an animation sequence - usually 3-4 minutes in which I played around with light patterns to see how they might look and to see which ones worked (& which did not), so that when I might eventually get lights sequenced, I could use the patterns that looked good. I still played music, but it was a random selection of Christmas music that played as a background.

I did this up to and including 2009 when a video producer recorded my show, added a piece of background music (Joy to the World) that he thought would suit and uploaded it to YouTube. see Sinnamon Christmas Lights HD

In 2010, I again created an animation sequence (4 min) and then dubbed the same music on top and played it as a musical sequence. In parts, it does appear to be synchronized, but the animation sequence was created with no consideration on the music. see 2010 Sinnamon Lights - Joy to the World Animation In 2010 I later sequenced 2 songs and a voice introduction.

I found the animations a lot quicker to code because I could just concentrate on patterns and colours rather than trying to decide which elements and patterns should go with each part of the music.

Hope this helps - Geoff
Something about timing if it's getting you down. 2 rules we follow in the animation field:
1- Simplify. Try and move less pieces and instead focus in finessing them. Instead of blinking 10 individual pieces on and off. Move 2 groups of 5 and focus on fading them nicely.
2- Hit all your notes early. It takes longer for your eyes to register motion than your ears to register sound. The rule of thumb is to hit everything 2 frames early or roughly 80ms.

Doing more with less will take some of the stress off while focusing on simple timing and fades will improve the quality of your show. Hope that helps a little and please please please don't give up.
I wouldnt be too worried, still plenty of time to get the sequencing done. I havent even started doing my sequences yet for a 10K channel show, but ill only have 2 songs, im still in build mode. But look for quality not quantity when it comes to sequences. If your show attracts a lot of attention then you will have to cut back the number of songs anyway to keep traffic flowing.
Youve still got plenty of time this year is like last year for me couldn't start sequencing till August due to LSP upgrades. I haven't finished 1 song yet with 5 to go and haven't started building yet.

I think you answered your own question your over thinking it . Keep it simple especially in the 1st year, I trying to work through a song picking key elements to blink in time then back fill with the other stuff.

You'll get there
This is my first year and I have tried to get the lights to work in with the music however did not quite happen.
As most say at least the lights will blink on and off and you can use different effects.
Thanks everyone :)

Sorry about the rant.

Feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. Doesn't help that I have the flu as well.

I will take it slow and maybe just have one or two songs this year. Thanks for all your support. Being my first year I just wanted it to look awesome like everyone elses. Small steps I guess and I'll get there :)

Thanks again :)
Wolfieee said:
Thanks everyone :)

Sorry about the rant.

Feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. Doesn't help that I have the flu as well.

I will take it slow and maybe just have one or two songs this year. Thanks for all your support. Being my first year I just wanted it to look awesome like everyone elses. Small steps I guess and I'll get there :)

Thanks again :)

Its good to get these things off your chest, so no apolagy needed for your rant

The first year is always overwhelming but dont aim too high and dont aim at the level of the guys that have been doing it for a few years, you will find that those displays have been a work in progress over the years with new items added each year. Just keep it at a level where its enjoyable as it is a hobby and you want to ensure you keep the hobby enjoyable for yourself. Whatever the result you will find that your friends and neighbours will be bowled over with the fact that you can control your lights. The second year will be far easier for you and this is when you can become much more ambitious in your goals

I also have got a good case of man flu and had the last 2 days off and can see why it can be overwhelming especially when your not thinking straight.

Anyway good luck with it all
I agree with what ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said.

Also keep in mind, what we decide about our own displays ...
that does not look right
that is out of sequence in several places
the sound isn't right
etc, etc etc. the list goes on .....
none of your viewers will ever notice ;)

Most of us are more harsh on our displays than is necessary due to everyone loves what we do no matter what it is.
Guess I never throught of it that way. A few of you guys have been at it for years and I am sure I'm not alone in it being my first year. I'm guessing a few of you are in the same boat as me and are fustrated that you just can't get it to all come together. A bad case of OCD doesn't help things either :)

I have to say this sites forums are like my bible of christmas lights. Without it I'd just have some 10 year old crusty blinky lights that only half work strung up this year.

It's been a fun journey so far and I learn something new about doing this everyday. So a big thanx to you all for helping me get on the path to having a most awesome light display !!

So THANX !!!!!