Ellis' 2018 Dream

Am I out of my mind?

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Working on my secondary control box which will sit under my mega tree.

View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ghdef7gsy5dinun/Photo%2013-6-18%2C%203%2018%2056%20pm.jpg?dl=0

View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lswm03y1i5izpz9/Photo%2013-6-18%2C%203%2018%2047%20pm.jpg?dl=0
Been working away on more bits and pieces...

This is my main remote power box, work in progress...
View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcfr170mlhtrxbt/Photo%2018-7-18%2C%205%2031%2030%20pm.jpg?dl=0

Partway through the build of my portable hole for my mega tree, 100kg of concrete in this
View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4n5z62js4zodd5o/Photo%2025-7-18%2C%2011%2052%2053%20am%20%281%29.jpg?dl=0

Got my 8 Boscoyo snowflakes mounted up on some plastic lattice
https://www.dropbox.com/s/49g64wcdpnfardp/Video 8-7-18, 3 40 02 pm.mov?dl=0
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Bit the bullet this morning and cut my pole to length for my megatree. Its 4.6m allowing for the 60cm height base.

As you can see in the pics I need to do a bit of pruning curbside

Perspective standing at the fence.

View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/htp63vkoz5tqj9s/Photo%205-8-18%2C%2010%2044%2024%20am.jpg?dl=0

View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmgep0jjhi1023l/Photo%205-8-18%2C%2010%2044%2010%20am.jpg?dl=0

View from across the road, currently obscured by the lower tree branch but not for long

View: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgl239sbxm5wxhv/Photo%205-8-18%2C%2010%2043%2053%20am.jpg?dl=0
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.