
Loaded up Wixel, ESP-01 programmer and replacement modules to the new store so far.
Haha no worries.. Dont really know, looking to solve problem by seeing whats out there.. hahahaha
OK so aiming to have the following stock levels in the next few days

10 x Wixel v1.0
10 x PixAmp v2.0
5 x DMX-WiFi v1.0

also possibly pixel extenders but they are a little longer away (current pending PCB order)
May i ask how exactly the wixel is setup.. i get that u install a few components and then need to flash the chippy doover with the programmer.. but then how do you set it up in your show?

I assume its range would be about the same as normal wifi devices..

I think i can make the wixel work in my application, maybe..

Re the pixamp, so this basically acts as a single pixel node, and gives individual reg green and blue output control? What kind of voltage and current can it handle? May have an application for 6-10 of them too..
May i ask how exactly the wixel is setup.. i get that u install a few components and then need to flash the chippy doover with the programmer.. but then how do you set it up in your show?

I assume its range would be about the same as normal wifi devices..

I think i can make the wixel work in my application, maybe..

Re the pixamp, so this basically acts as a single pixel node, and gives individual reg green and blue output control? What kind of voltage and current can it handle? May have an application for 6-10 of them too..

Hey Roosta,
Yes the wixel gets flashed with ESPixelStick firmware once it has had the through-hole components assembled. Then it is a simple matter of tell the ESPixelStick what universe it is assigned and pixel type etc. You then treat it as a lower count pixel controller as you would with any other controller in xlights, etc.
I have never had a problem with range, as I use Ubiquiti access points for my show. I do think the cheaper modems you get from telstra, etc have inferior WiFi coverage though, but my show network is always separated from my home network anyway, to avoid congestion issues. Whats your application mate?
Regarding the PixAmp, yes you are correct, it acts as a single pixel (2811 series) and can drive high current outputs for red, green and blue. Currently the FET's on the board (PSMN026-80YS) are rated to 34A and 80V, but I wouldn't drive them anywhere near full noise as heat would be an issue. What do you have in mind for them mate?
Also, the DMX-WiFi is basically a Wixel, but with a driver IC for DMX comm's and the ESPixelStick would be loaded in DMX mode, allowing wireless control over DMX devices via E1.31 wireless.
Danv, thanks mate..

Cool, well sound like the wixels are about the best option out there for what i want to do.. just trying to extend my show out and along the street without the cables.. wifi access point and range i can sort out..

The pixamp also sounds like it could be a solution for me for another project.. i have several rgb spotlights i would love to re-purpose and incorporate into my show.. a wixel and a pixamp would give me a wireless comms and simple control of them and then they just need power, which I could achieve total wirelessness with a battery and a solar panel! Ideal! The spotlights do have dmx in and out so maybe i sould consider the wifi dmx option and not need the pixamp..

I still have an application for a pixel wireless link that can accept a ws281* signal in and transmit to a receiver, to then continue the string, but something like that apparently doesnt exist..

Danv, thanks mate..
i have several rgb spotlights i would love to re-purpose and incorporate into my show.. a wixel and a pixamp would give me a wireless comms and simple control of them and then they just need power, which I could achieve total wirelessness with a battery and a solar panel! Ideal! The spotlights do have dmx in and out so maybe i sould consider the wifi dmx option and not need the pixamp..

Sounds like the DMX-WiFi module would be best suited here. (basically an espixelstick in "DMX out" mode). marmalade tested these out for me last year and they worked well.
Danv, thanks mate..
I still have an application for a pixel wireless link that can accept a ws281* signal in and transmit to a receiver, to then continue the string, but something like that apparently doesn't exist..

Interesting. The baud rate would be the issue here. Most RF modules wont handle anything well about 115200. (some struggle with that even). I do have some great 151MHz modules that I use for 10km long telemetry links etc but they only talk at 1200 baud. Would need to up frequency significantly to 2.4GHz or 5GHz. But, having said that, a Wixel will sort that out (ESPixelStick). I am currently working on a Wixel v2.0 (better ESP module and onboard power stage, etc). But should have plenty of Wixel 1.0's for loading into the web store in the next few days. I am ordering any components I am low on today once I do a bit of a stock take.
Following QTY's have been updated and products activated in the new online web store (

5 x ESP Programming Modules
10 x ESP-01 Modules

I have enough components to assemble 8 x DMX-WiFi v1.0 units and at least 10 x Wixel v1.0 units tonight. The QTY's for these two will be updated once the units are assembled and bench tested.