FPPD needs daily restart


New elf
Dec 6, 2020
Hey friends,
Long time reader, first time poster.
I am running my first show this year and am using a pi running FPP connected to a teensy via Usb.
Everything was great until a couple days ago when my show started not playing on schedule. FPP would show the playlist as running but no lights would be displaying.
They would only turn on after I manually restart FPPD. Any suggestions of what I can check to understand why this is happening? The confusing thing is everything looks good according to FPP.

Not sure if relevant but the pi stays on all day.
I did update my sequence the day it started happening, could this be an issue?
Thanks all
You say you just restart FPPD and you do not restart the entire PI? I suspect your USB port is dropping out at some point and the FPPD(deamon) is not seeing the device reconnect event. As a temporary fix you might want to set up a cron job that reboots the PI an hour before the show and then ask this question on the FPP forum.
When it comes to a Pi acting funny the first step is to always double check the power supply to it. Is it a properly sized power supply, is it still working properly. What version of pi is it?

I had issues with my pi dropping my usb sound connection and it was due to the port that was being used. I switched to a USB 3 port to provide additional power which resolved the issue. I leave my pi on 24/7 and have since it was setup on Dec 7th. The only time I've restarted the daemon on it was when a change required it. Otherwise it just stays power on without issues.

You could also use an external USB powered hub (I use them for a lot of applications).
Thanks Martin and Dean.
Using the RP4 model B with the official power supply.
I reckon it could be a USB issue because I noticed an issue the other day saying the Serial output failed to load.
I will try a different USB port and a cron job for a temp fix, thanks for that.
Next year I play on changing over to e131 anyway so might be a short lived issue.
Thanks guys, will keep you posted if I find out anything more.